Literally how could they fuck this up?

Literally how could they fuck this up?

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By only putting in popular characters. Put fucking everyone in. If there's no Lowain or Gonzalez then it's fucking shit.

You know, I kind of thought about how the game would play. Would it be a strategy RPG, or something more akin to Devil Survivor?
Either way it would have had a nightmare story.

Its so hilarious idol shit was spawned off it

Literally all they needed to do was take DeSu and slap fire emblem on it

make it about idols, i guess

I still stand by #FE being a pretty fun game. I am curious how the fuck idols and singing spawned from SMTxFE though.

>could have had SMT in a knights n wizards setting
>no let's make it persona shit with idols
One of the biggest middle fingers ever. I don't give a fuck what the literal retards who defend this game say. I'll never give it a chance.

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Should be sued for false advert

This idea was cancelled immediately, the shit we got was atlus scraping the fire emblem rights they got for a quick buck