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Video Games
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Video Games #5088
Video Games
Imagine if in a shooter you needed to push DOWN BACK BACK DOWN + FIRE if you wanted to fire with a rocket launcher
Start up DaS2
He likes to emulate old games
Any games that allow duel wielding?
Stalker dev here
ITT: 10/10 charater designs
Marvel VS Capcom 4 announcement this summer boyos
Hey Zig Forums, what's your favourite pokemon?
You have 5 seconds to name ONE truly great boss battle from a western game
Persona 5 Royal
Are all legendary developers fated to destroy their own legacies?
ITT: We pretend it is 1998 and MGS have just been released
Is there anything more embarrassing than adults who still play games designed for children?
Let me taste of your jealousy, onii-san
Fun game?
4 years later
Is it __fun__?
Do you think they'll change anything for the trilogy remaster?
Xbox has Ninja Gaiden
Is Mario real?
It was great
Noooo you can't just play to win when there's money on the line that's dishonorable!!!
Why is good when a japanese game tries to be an anime but is bad when a western games tries to be a movie?
This is a fighting game protagonist
Library of Ruina
Game about the best porn games and nostalgic faps?
Neil Druckmann AMA
Why can't Bethesda seem to grasp that Fallout isn't just strictly 50's retrofuturism? There's elements of it in 1, 2...
Looks and runs identical to the original version
Today i will remind them
Trailers better than the game
Publisher: We have to somehow apologize for the previous shoddy Mana remake
Popular game mechanic is brought back in the sequels
Game has music so good you listen to it while you browse internet
I just realised 95% of my favourite games are Japanese
*destroy your cpu*
This game is fucking omnipresent
Getting banned in video games is a violation of my rights to free speech
Fallout New Vegas is the greatest video game of all time
Post your honest thoughts about this game, memes and shitposting aside
He is completely right and Zig Forums is seething because of it
Nioh 2 bombeb pretty hard, it's already at big discount
How would you describe Edelgard with one word?
Will SMTV be like Apocalypse?
Post opinions or tastes that you have that makes Zig Forums seethe
Buy game
What happened? why did it die so soon?
ITT shit games Zig Forums tricked you into playing
Hades(as in the boss) second stage rips me apart. His heat rays just melt me, burned through 3 resurrects. What do?
Howdy partner!
Games should be free
This is the clown world we live in now?
I hate kids
Apple of mmo
What does v actually think of the witcher 3? seems to be a 50/50 split between love and hate
Who's the Togashi of vidya?
Game of the year 2014 and yet completely forgotten
I would argue this is the best city management game out there
Xenoblade Chronicles thread
Games you avoided purely based on boxart
Mother project
Babe it's 4pm time for your 30GB update
Why are you people so obsessed with this polish rock punching videogame
Seriously, why can't western devs make good bosses?
Whats with the industrys overwhelming bias for Sony?
Plaaaaaay the best main menu music in the world
Dog girl or Cat girl
Final boss is you from the future
Why does it continue to fail even after big updates?
Every single game made in or after 2007 has been objectively 100% pure shit made for casual shit-eaters who don’t...
Terraria housing
What is the st. anger of vidya?
Hatsune Miku Project Diva
When was the last time an open world game impressed you?
Game is longer than 10-20 hours
Whats up with him
Can we please address the origin of Metroid Prime, how it fits in the timeline, and how it makes absolutely no sense?
How did Catarina even function? Their Knights are shit, you spend 1 & 3 saving their clumsy asses. All heart, no skill
Zoomers are nostalgic for early 10s mobile games
Say something nice about the lamest ff villain
Good game design is still being hindered by "muh graphics"
This is my first Thief game and I'm having a lot of fun with it. Currently about to board the Abysmal Gale...
Kill only what you need to, until you've killed everything
The real dark souls ranking
Balamb Garden
Sell Me On This Game
What is the most popular and well-known game that nobody has actually played?
Now that the dust has settled, why was it so bad?
Why did you stop playing Kancolle, Zig Forums?
Bloodborne comes to PC
Obscure SP Shooters
Name one meaningful addition this game made that enhanced FF7's story
Angry Female Characters
Does Zig Forums attend vidya-related conventions?
Dark Souls
Dragon's Dogma: Brehs
TF anons. Why were you faggots peddling this shit. It wasn't even true
You either die as a hero or live to become the villain
One chink makes a better FPS than most of western AAA devs
30 fps
Buy a game
CD Projekt Has Surpassed Ubisoft to Become Europe's Most Valuable Video Game Company
Accept it Zig Forums. Overwatch is a masterpiece and Blizzard is still at the top of their game
Make this Zig Forumsidya related
HE IS OUT Zig Forums
What do androids dream of?
Elden ring
Witcher 3 was released 5 years ago
Yandere Simulator
How make marriage in games good?
Why do japanese game developers always give their female characters massive tits in nearly every video game they make...
Dev doesn't understand math at all
Tfw my PC is too shit to run RDR2
Can we all agree that Replicas from F.E.A.R. are the coolest human enemies in any game ever?
Post you HL3 wishlist
Enjoy the start of SRPG
What was the need for time jannies?
Post your physical games collection of this gen, system doesn't matter
A Animal Crossing Thread
That's right. All your game are belong to us gwailo
Post Zig Forums infographics/guides/timelines/etc
Are you ready for the game of the year anons? Or should I say game of the generation? Just one month tp go
Playing a game
Who did Bowser have sex with to make Bowser Jr.?
Enjoying Mafia III Zig Forums?
Whats the point of this? Found it on their new card game
Post yfw your PC is stronger than a PS5
Serious question, why did they make these characters so sexy? This is supposed to be a children's game right...
I love video games
Why does it get shat on so much? It's really good
What games are you playing during lockdown?
How come cute, virgin japanese girls prefer Nintendo Switch over superior ps4?
Was it really necessary to add another Goku to FighterZ?
Game features conflict
Dark Souls series at 27 million
Who is your favorite male vidya character?
Why aren't you playing Warframe RIGHT NOW?
Game shifts to an entire different genre for no reason
Remind me again why does Zig Forums hate this game? It's a pretty fun looter-shooter
This game is absolutely awful. The combat is so fucking clunky, the movement sucks, the story is retarded...
Incels could learn about dating from the PS5
HEY, YOU! YEAH, YOU! What's your favorite video game rat?
Name a more reddit-tier game
Has anyone tried to reverse engineer the PC version of Persona in order to make possible the existence of source ports?
Daily reminder that these kind of """""people""""" are in charge of writing your games now
>jap video game streamer said “bonjourno” to her French fans
Fallout 3
Why is Japan like 10 years behind on 3d models?
Ape Escape Thread
Imagine the smell
Is Daisy objectively speaking a better princess than Peach?
Crusader Kings III
About to start pic related. Got any good advice for an smt noob?
Vidya personal blog thread
Mario Kart Tour
Post your walking animation
Is crisis core supposed to be good?
Why is ARK so popular with streamer?
Lobotomy Corp/Library of Ruina Thread
I'm drunk. What should I buy? Got PC and Switch
Controller pleb here. Can you prove the major advantage kb+m has over controllers...
Seriously, where is it?
Will PCFags ever admit that 30FPS requires more skill than 60?
This is the last AAA game to have white people only, say something nice about it
Goddamnit terraria
What Animal Crossing hybrids have you grown so far? Let me see your gardens fags
Have you ever spent money on a F2P game?
When does it get good?
Why didn't you buy me?
What's the Zig Forumserdict? Is it fun? Is the progression system good? Is it balanced for both sides?
Canon webcomic coming out soon
The ways of kiketendo
The game that will change gaming
Why do most people prefer atmospheric horror over jumpscares?
This is the definitive version of the game, and only autists disagree
Zig Forumstubers General
Mass Effect is dead
We need a rocket launcher for the bad guys
Best party set up for this game?
Why are you fucking zoomers so sensitive?
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
/ctt/ - Console Tan Tuesday - After Dark Edition
SSS+ tier games with F tier starts
This is the most fun I've had gaming in quite awhile. I enjoy how it's casualized...
Was Wily/Bowser/Ganon ever this edgy?
Late Night Sonic Thread
Say what you want but this has me more intrigued than the ps5...
Best COD game is also the least popular
ITT games you want translated
What game does he plays?
EarthBound Manga Announced
Franchise Tier Lists
Elder Scrolls has a whole other continent
Which should I play? Terraria or Animal Crossing?
This game is awful, stop recommending shit games you autists
Oh no no no no
What’s the creepiest game over screen/cutscene in vidya?
Time to fess up
Monolith Soft wants to push the boundaries of Nintendo
I just got a Switch, what are the best games for it besides BotW, Animal Crossing, Smash, etc.?
So what would you like to see in Luigi's Mansion 4?
Mace in dark souls
Who's in?
Why are the Japanese so obsessed with Alice in Wonderland to the point where it feels like every other game has a...
How the heck do we fix the horror genre?
Is he right?
Metroid thread: Drunk mods edition
Post your gaming pc
I feel like I've played every fucking game
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Is it possible for a game to have too much content?
3x3 thread
Will Riot be able to save the fighting game genre?
Name a worse fanbase
What the fuck is happening at ign
Should games allow you to overlevel? Is this why open world designs suck?
Bosses are immune to poison, making it basically useless
What are some vidya genres you will never touch, and why?
You should be able to solve this
5 > 2 > 4 > 1 > 3
Imagination in Vidya
What’s the worst origin?
Why does sonic get so memed on?
How can Nintendo continue Metroid's story after Fusion?
Why wont they make another one?
Boomer-core PC Games
Lmao just don't get hit bro or you get fucked into oblivion against a wall like you bent over in a prison shower
Post kino trailers
What went wrong?
ITT games that actually deserve a remake
What does your map look like in Animal Crossing? Let's see em
RDR2 thread fellers?
Everyone you helped throughout the game assists you against the final boss
Take one step out of tutorial
Post your actual thoughts and what you expect, do you have any hopes?
You're playing the Overwatch Anniversary event, right user?
Why does Zig Forums hate leliana so much?
I don't understand. Does FF7 take place on earth?
Persona 5
I dare you to find a better horror game
How many games have sailed purely on her art?
... and this our sons room. He's quite the gamer you see
Say word
Game has multiple factions
Knew the actual purpose of the Halo rings
Comfy Switch thread
This shit is on sale, is it baby's first RTS?
It's dying, Zig Forums. I've had this mouse for a little over 2 years and it's dying...
Why does a logo and controller generate more hype than all the SEX revelation?
Sony said they're announcing a big PlayStation 5 lineup in June...
Chie invites you back to her place to watch her DVD of "Trials of the Dragon"
Reminder that in fighting games, button mashers > players on the first level of intentionality
ITT Vidya OST that gives you pheasant prickles
That kid who imagined playing that hype vidya song in front of all his classmates in a talent show
Sakura Wars
2020... I am... remembered
ITT: Only say nice things about Xbox. No haters. No jealousy
What's the appeal?
Was it a good game ?
I like Pandaren from WoW
Games for this feel?
Retard finally beat OoT:
Does it really deserve its awful reputation?
What went so fucking right Zig Forums?
The Sims "Rival"
I'm sick of the addicts who play this game. i just wanna go online and have fun...
What are some of the best flash games to play?
What was their fucking problem?
Alright you racist incels, name 2 games with black protagonists that are actually good
Half Life: Alyx
End of release day
Raditz leaked
Was it kino?
When will piracy return to its former glory?
Where the hell is it?
Why are alien women so compatible with humans in video-games?
What was your favorite arcade game and why?
Tfw this is literally my favorite album of all time but never listened to ELO's other works
Why did the X series aged worse than the rest of the Megaman series?...
Please tell me this isn't real
What's the best DLC of all time?
Will this flop?
Why is Yennefer better than Triss?
Make sure to take regular brakes during long gaming sessions to do some stretching
PC release in a week
Why didn't you save it?
March 19, 2020
Was the Gamecube the last console Nintendo actually tried with?
This game is so full of plot holes
How do you feel about the female representation in smash?
Do you ever just look at the catalog and think, "holy shit this place is awful, why do I still come here"?
Twitch CEO defends Safety Council
What went wrong?
Game gives option for multiple love interest... canon one always the best
Playing online game
Can you believe there are people who play first-person shooters with a gamepad...
All wiiware games
Im gonna buy (1) one game for my switch today first dubs gets to pick it
Saber should be added to smash ultimate as a playable fighter
Disco Elysium Thread
Pregnancy mechanics in games
Post your idle animation
Intel or AMD for your next gaming rig?
Justify why you play female characters in videogames if a male character option is available...
How the FUCK do you escape from this?
Serious Sam 4 info incoming
Hamaguchi: In the FFVII Remake, we were able to use the latest technology to recreate the world of Midgar and its story...
5 days since Origami King trailer dropped
When did you realize that atmosphere is the most important aspect of a game?
This was ok from someone whose never played a metroidvania game before but I can imagine die hard fans not enjoying it
Did she deserve the harassment?
Rain World
Let's be honest
Minmin is fighter 6
Did Rockstar did it on Purpose?
He plays games on Easy Mode
So now that the dust has settled, Death stranding was shit...
"anime is garbage"
A spirit event is gonna be announced tonight
Remember when Bloodlines 2 was announced and they had some gay as fuck stage play bullshit for some shitty ARG that...
Remember when people thought this was going to kill Pokemon
Game features impossible physics
How can ANYONE compete?
That kid who considered himself a history buff because he played assassins creed
Share your vidya ideas. It's not like you're gonna do anything with them
What did go right?
Choose your character, Zig Forums
After splitting the game into parts and taking five years to develop these are the graphics they deliver
Should I play Persona 3 FES or Persona 5 Royal?
Isn't it funny how some games can sell MILLIONS and no one even remembers them...
What in the fuck possessed them to make this at such a weird time in the story
It's taken to the year 2020
Predict the sales numbers
Why is japanese humour so unfunny?
Someone explain this nomurashit
Yeah, i'm not playing this shit on pcxs2
He's never coming back, is he bros? Monster Hunter thread
ITT Fuck You I liked it
PS2 issue
Ever feel like you are outgrowing video games?
Will he ever come back bros?
So now that Bloodborne is coming to PC, can we admit it's shit?
What he said
Is the weaker playable character due to its abysmal small inventory
Paid Online
How did Toby do it? How did he make a 10 hours long pixel graphics game the most popular vidya of all time?
Birb says hi!
Are gacha games evil?
Post funny video game related comics
I'm a Goddamn Superhero
The first gaming youtuber
Hey guys
You! Yeah, YOU! Name a game where bunnies are an important element in the game but NOT BAD BUNNIES!
Post your steam ID and the game you want most
NEO Scavenger
More games should do stuff like this
He has the mark of shame
Team Fortress 3 is coming
Why does she even bother fighting the player?
Leveling is an obsolete concept
Game has a pregnancy mechanic
Neptunia, Senran Kagura, Touhou are alive and well
The Xbox series x actually has some hype around it
Name a company more disconnected with itself and it's community
Why is there no MAL for games?
Post dodos, sell turnips, acquire wealth in this Animal Crossing thread
Nomura-san, you didn't forget about me, r-right?
Stop being vampires
Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition
My favourite game of all time? Soulsborne
ITT: video game characters that are literally you
Terraria Multiplayer
Coming to PC
CD Projekt Has Surpassed Ubisoft to Become Europe's Most Valuable Video Game Company
What are your thoughts on this character from the video game Borderlands 3?
She's in Mania 2
ITT shitty ass Zig Forums memes Neo-Zig Forums finds funny
Holy fucking BASED
Living with his parents
Do you feel like games suck nowadays? Like the last 5-10 years have been breddy shit compared to how it used to be...
200 threads on Zig Forums
Is 32 too old to get into fighting games? How would I learn?
Assemble your dream team
Why is the youtube app taking up so much space on my ps4? What'll happen if i delete it?
The 6th generation was the last old-school generation
Anime with combat menu: The Game
Tons of games starring fathers
Literally how could they fuck this up?
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Slightly creepy/spooky/weird thing happens in a Nintendo game
JRPG fag here trying Skyrim for the first time
How excited would you be if they announced Bioshock: Infinite 2?
What if Kingdom Hearts was set in the Warner universe?
Why do japs love this series so much?
PS5 to have limited use of raytracing, outperformed by Xbox Series X
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine