Post yfw your PC is stronger than a PS5

Post yfw your PC is stronger than a PS5

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>source: my ass

Theoretically, a PC will ALWAYS be stronger than any console from a hardware horsepower perspective.

However, in practice, consoles at launch tend to outperform PCs because of their integrated software. Shit like Windows and your stupid fucking Linux custom OSs bloat your hardware up with shit 24/7 and that subtracts from game performance. A console's entire OS was made to prioritize the game above all else, allowing for generally smoother frames than a PC. Of course, PC eventually catches up shortly after when the new CPU and GPUs and whatnot come out, but the true power of a PC is unfortunately always limited by Windows, Denuvo, and developers.

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i have no fucking idea where you have lived the past 20 years, that is IF you are past 20 years, but PCs have always been more potent than consoles. Stop treating it like it is some unexpected shock that will shatter expectations and change life convictions. You're calling water wet and want attention for it. Get a fucking life.

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not just that but the standard hardware gives developer an advantage over the extremely diverse pc configurations
they can optimize for the exact hardware

Unfortunately, the only developers who actually care about optimizing for hardware are usually the ones who make console exclusives, and the only thing worse than the performance of your average multiplat console game is the shitty slapdash PC port afterwards, which PC players are able to bruteforce with hardware and mod it into the shiny turd that looks the most pleasing to them


Except that has never been the case. Consoles are able to be specially designed, which doesn't increase performance for fuck all, just stability.

White consolefag tech illiteracy never ceases to amuse me.

>they can optimize
This meme is getting old and not how it works at all. It isn't an improvement in frame rate, or textures, draw distances, models or what ever bullshit you want to spew. It's allows for a higher rate of stability at best, which is why consoles only ever really hard crash from a pure fuck up in design.