> Pregnancy mechanics in games
Why are they so rare and why is it that they are rarely shown pregnant
Pregnancy mechanics in games
The idea of impregnating a girl is hot but absolutely nothing about actually having children appeals to me.
Yeah it would be better if they shat out eggs from their pussy that you could just eat.
This was a fantastic thread guys
isnt that just a fat girl
>mods deleted last thread after reaching 501 posts
not complaining, just weird.
How would you even implement that in a game?
Well, the old one reached the limit and we gotta continue it
Is there a single sub-fetish more degenerate and reviled than mpreg? I honestly can't think of one but then I don't venture too deep into some darker fetishes.
You're making a lot of these threads lately
why dont you guys just make this thread in a board where people will give a fuck about it
Ask /d/.
Nine months isn't enough
just pull a nigger and disppear after it's too late for abortion
then do it again
this guy's vore art is p good not gonna lie
I think the fact that another human is growing inside of a woman is strangely arousing
Im a father, and I hate all children except mine. I love my baby girl.
holding hands
Crusader Kings
It's sad that freaks come out of the woodwork trying to attach their disgusting fetishes like vore to something as vanilla and wholesome as pregnancy
What is wrong with you obsessed faggots spamming these shitty threads?
You know I'm right.
More bellies, damn it.
A 404 coming your way OP faggot.
Abe, seriously..... Get the fuck off Zig Forums....
>ask futa/fatfag land
I doubt a place so vanilla(and gay) could answer the question
You guys remember that alien hive in Duke Nukem Forever with the wall titties where abducted women were impregnated with aliens, and if you approached them they'd swell up even bigger and then explode?
It's even worse if you have a mass pregnancy fetish. There are basically no good artists that draw it. At least I found one guy who does really good pixelart of it, and I can always resort to modded Bethesda games.
As if risking salmonella from chicken eggs isn't bad enough, you want to risk getting syphilis?
dunno what your definition of "sub-fetish" is, but scat and guro aren't even allowed on /d/ while mpreg is.
Dumb Zig Forums poster, injecting his shallow memes into everything
Pregnant loli is the best. especially if it's late term/multiples and their belly is too big for them to walk properly
Which vidya girl would you turn into a mother?
Reminder that magically sped up pregnancy is way inferior to time skip+magic to prevent aging.
there can never be enough
Honestly, nothing makes my penis cry more than siblings having raw sex in the missionary position and kissing passionately.
lets see how long the jannies leave this one up.
Children are not a good financial choice. The very few incentives you get for raising one pale in comparison to the financial hardships that they bring. If there was actual financial benefits to having one or a way to offload the burden such as 24 7 baby sitting and care I would think about having one. As is I enjoy my money and time far too much to even consider it.
I don't have any because nobody fucking draws it. I hate this world
There isn't any salmonella risk with eggs anywhere in the first world
Yea, because you're chemically wired to do so. You better not be one of those shitty parents that let their kids turn shitty because they're blind to the flaws they gave them with unconditional affection.
literal hand-wringing kike
And she'd probably love it too, since it'd give her the perfect excuse to be lazy
Tajj/crowview seem very much accustomed to your tastes.
Says more about the state of society that financial obligation is that weighty of a consideration on the matter. It isn't that you're wrong, it's just fucking retarded that you're not wrong.
>Already has big tits
>Pregnancy will make her bigger
Bros... Why isn't she really and my wife?
Krystal or Jehuty
My waifu.
My waifu
This is such an awful fetish. Shame on you.
The only "Benefit" to having a child currently is "continuing your legacy" which is defeatist bitch boy thinking. It implies that you accept your end and wont fight to continue existing.
The only people that want you to have more children are people that want more workers to exploit.
>being turned on by literal human nature is bad
Impregnation/pregnancy is the true patrician fetish.
yeah, human reproduction is awful
it produced (You) after all
All of them
> No preg art of Kawase
it's not fair, bros
what thread?
> If there was actual financial benefits to having one or a way to offload the burden
it's called making the brat do chores
The benefit to having a child is that you have a 50/50 chance of getting a better version of your wife to fuck some years later.
Fuck, mad respect on that pick. Good ass tastes, Umihara is underrated as fuck.
Doesn't count for me I actually enjoy doing chores.
because it's fucking gay having a little faggot video game family,
This but unironically.
>It implies that you accept your end and wont fight to continue existing
I think you forgot to turn the gas off, kike
Rixia Mao
>these images
last thread got 404'd so this one probably will too
>I actually enjoy doing chores.
proper mindset of servitude
>Two pregchad threads in a single day
Pic related
how does it feel to have less humanity than a troon like me?
*hits pipe*
It got 404'd right as it hit bump (lol) limit
>caring more about money than family
Thoroughly pozzed.
Excellent taste, brother. Now help contribute to the cause and post bellies
Jokes on you servitude is my fetish.
Abe would have the display of genitals legalized if he wanted to improve the birthrate. Japan's sex fantasies are crazy as fuck in part because of having to compensate for that shit.