Imagine if in a shooter you needed to push DOWN BACK BACK DOWN + FIRE if you wanted to fire with a rocket launcher
Fighting game inputs is the prime example of artificial difficulty that serves completely nothing other then appealing to fragile ego of the niche market
Imagine if in a shooter you needed to push DOWN BACK BACK DOWN + FIRE if you wanted to fire with a rocket launcher
Ian Rivera
Isaac Cox
Shooting games require quicker reflexes, more situational awareness. Aiming is also much harder than landing a move in fighting games.
Camden Roberts
You have to aim in shooters.
Thomas Jenkins
>muh z inputs
I wish fighting game inputs were this easy but it's all kinds of wacky shit nowadays.
Wyatt Garcia
Get filtered fag
Isaac Walker
imagine not being able to move a stick and push buttons
Henry King
smash babies will always be shit
Charles Reyes
Stop trying to simplify games because you're bad at them. How many times have you made this thread now?
Aiden Reed
there is a difference between aiming that is completely natural and intuitive compared to spending few hours learning artificial set of retarded inputs everytime when you want to play a new character
Lincoln Davis
Cute hands