Zoomers are nostalgic for early 10s mobile games

Zoomers are nostalgic for early 10s mobile games

Attached: zoomers.jpg (1280x720, 183.65K)

What do you want me to do about it?

It was ight

People are nostalgic about things that they experienced when they were younger. Also, time passes.

More news at eleven.

They can feel nostalgia??
Wtf I thought that feeling died with my generation! What the FRICKIN heck

And your dad is nostalgic for the time before you were born

i am nostalgic for 10 minutes ago when this thread wasn't made

man this thread really riled up the under age fast

I'm just scared of getting old and dying. That's all

Attached: crying pepe.gif (220x184, 7.79K)

I feel you man. Fucking hell I've been on this website longer than many people have been alive.