Saber should be added to smash ultimate as a playable fighter

Saber should be added to smash ultimate as a playable fighter

Attached: Saber Burger.jpg (1200x1699, 219.54K)


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kys weeb

saber should be the protagonist of every videogame.

Attached: 79651751_p0.png (1181x1748, 1.04M)

ITT: bad ideas

your existence was a bad idea

Attached: 1588791312052.jpg (315x396, 32.5K)

ITT: The Cuckster

Fuck off nigger

saber should cameo in the legend of zelda

Attached: 1576592942966.jpg (800x1131, 727.79K)

>Having sex with real women instead of jerking off to anime girls makes them a cuck
Zig Forums mind