Game gives option for multiple love interest... canon one always the best...
Why they do this?
Game gives option for multiple love interest... canon one always the best...
Why they do this?
i want any girl as long as she's cute, not fat, is happy and fun, and wouldn't cheat on me.
No idea but it's extremely annoying, every game, be it an RPG like Witcher or Dragon Age or Mass Effect, or a shitty visual novel, ALWAYS have a canon romance.
There is a romance that ALWAYS gets all the content and is shoved down your throat, like how Morrigan in DA:O gets her own ENTIRE DLC about her romance.
No idea why they even bother with choices. They could have invested more time on that canon romance alone.
Left is superior due to the sex.
Right is superior.
>a hug is worth 15~20 bucks at a restaurant
>ugly pits
>wide torso
>poor definition
she's barely better than a fatty
It's called a tomboy. Lively is extremely vague.
Has never happened in the entire history of video games.
You have unrealistic expectations incel
>won't cheat
Pick 2. All three do not exist within a single woman.
Hey, the girl I'm talking to has the first two and I- oh..
agreed until you arent getting any hugs anymore.
I don't like mixed signals, I choose none.
She won't agree to make it official "yet" right?
She's already cheating on some other guy with you.
This is the best option
B-but she just says she's not ready yet, that she just got out of a relationship and it's too soon, she wouldn't lie, right, bros?
seems like these girls would be better off with each other to me
Hugs are gay.
kek and she's already talking to another guy (that's you)
get out bro
>takes 5 seconds
>takes like an hour including washing dishes
you gotta be retarded to pick left
Thanks for the warnings, bros. I'll try not to get my hopes up again next time
>Lazy bitch
>Mommy issues the girl
I pick neither 2bqhwymf (2 be quite honest with you my family)
Win-win for me. I love cooking.
But I'd still choose right so we can cook together.
it's not stupidity, it's desperation and lack of self-worth
Hug the lame girl for the food so I can give it to the interesting and fun girl on the left.
>canon one always the best...
No user, not always.
>tfw side girl was so much better than main girl that she got a sequel drama cd
Fuck yeah.
I always find the opposite, the canon one is usually the worst. They all follow the same pattern.
>First, rarely second girl you meet (Sometimes just the first person in general)
>Somewhat shy (But not around you, obviously)
>Key traits are Kind/Caring
>Extremely obvious about wanting your dick
>Entire arc is about trying to confess their love
>Occasionally the Childhood Friend
>If JRPG, they are the White Mage
My dick says left but my heart says right
Imagine what your dick will say when you finally get right girl in bed. Worth the effort.
First girl that comes to mind honestly
That make her canon, no?
Tomboy is better
We had this exact same thread less than a week ago. The same exact images are being posted in it.