Enjoy the start of SRPG

>Enjoy the start of SRPG
>Half way in the maps get massive and it just becomes a slog and quit
Any SRPG out there where the maps are nicely bite sized and doesn't take like an hour to beat?

Attached: file.png (1278x961, 273.56K)

>taking only an hour
>mfw Genealogy of the Holy War is taking me a literal day of playtime [with breaks of course] to get through a single chapter

Yeah heard about FE4 and it's insanity. But isn't that mostly just a bunch of act breaks within one map than one map after another?

Genealogy has only about 12 chapters or so each with one map, way smaller number than any other Fire Emblem game I've played, but they're absolutely immense by comparison. I actually like it, each chapter feels like a full war story against a country on its own, but one of the few points where I feel the game fails, is that moving your whole army across such vast distances when you're backtracking towards a different objective on certain specific maps, especially ones involving woods slowing you down, is absolute hell. As for the question, I don't think it really meets the RPG part, but I hear Enter the Breach's stages are bite-sized enough to be manageably fast.

Play Advance Wars

Wonder if they remake it they add paring up which will let you run the map faster with your group. Don't know if that break the game but maybe an idea.

FE4 is essentially what an "Open World SRPG" would look like. Take 4-5 normal outdoor FE maps and combine them and that's one FE4 map. The scale of everything is really great and immersive, thankfully they give you the ability to create a save each turn.

Yeah Genealogy is one of the only FE game with a mid-chapter save built in, the maps really weren't made to be beat in one setting for the most part

Into the Breach isn't really an SRPG.
It's a puzzle game with the trappings of an SRPG.
Really fun, but much more on the puzzle side of the spectrum.

I think it's fair to give your characters a massive movement boost if there are no enemy units present on the map or something to that sense, all it would do would cut down on the amount of turns taken moving foot soldiers two squares at a time through the woods on a map that's probably a hundred tiles in width and length

I can sort of agree with the sentiment, it's not an open world game by any means, but they do definitely seem to very often throw you in a case of "here's this country, here's the powers that rule this country, now go on, good luck conquering it." It's nowhere near as open-ended as it sounds, but it's frankly absurdly impressive for a Super Nintendo game.
This screenshot? This section of the world map, in any other Fire Emblem game would have you traveling from point to point, maybe city to city, conquering each region before having a final map inside the enemy capital. But in Genealogy, the map is THE SHAPE OF THE WHOLE COUNTRY.

Attached: Fire Emblem - Seisen no Keifu (Japan)-200505-003942.png (1029x900, 1.58M)