
Only 5 more days

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Imagine my shock, another thread for another coomer game
Well, at least as long as it keeps pedos off the streets...

I played the original recently and it was ok. If it wasn't for the art and seman vampire loli nobody would care about it
Also fuck forced haremshit

>forced harem
But it's consensual?

No twins no buy

>Playing a japanese game on the sony playstation.

Attached: 1587009371519.webm (810x720, 2.27M)


Censorship dude. They censor fucking weeb games.

I like Mask of Deception, but only for the gameplay. I can't bother with the VN stuff and it's taking longer than I remember on my second start of the game

I love how you can see the force of the stream when pulls his pants up.