What's the appeal?
What's the appeal?
Baby's First RPG for people who didn't have a PlayStation 1.
Babby's first JRPG
That and VII.
make fag triggered
it seem it's working
Played it for the first time in 2018 and love it. Cope.
People loved it when it came out, then it became cool to hate it, now it's cool to love it again because the current state of FF is shittier than anyone could imagine and it's like a classic by comparison.
A question you will no doubt ask many times in the future, you clueless zoomer. Give up, shitters like you have shit taste by default.
Same as any other jrpg. Waifis
Why do people play jrpgs? The gameplay is usually shit. Is it the story? Why not watch an anime then?
unironically the best ff, fuck 7 and 6 fags but 9 fags are based
Anime has worse story than most JRPGs. A fucking amazing feat, but it's true.
That actually might convince me to play one
It's a good game, but let's be honest, it's no FFXII
I think you mean VI
>Played it for the first time
See. Exactly
The only people who praise FFX are people who were in their teenage years when it came out and somehow found Tidus with all his daddy issues as a relatable protagonist. It was also likely their first JRPG as others have said.
To everyone else with any sensibility is easily one of the worst FF games.
every other day there is a post about ffx. Its either praising the game or people saying how bad it is. why do people keep wanting to have the same conversation?
You make a good point, let's talk about something else. Who do you think is going to be in the Smash Bros. DLC, user?
It's fun and happy. Interesting world, charming although a little generic cast, combat is good for a turn based game. My only issue is the upgrade sphere part is a bit of an eye sore
No idea. Got up to Blitzball, played through the first match, and then not 10 minutes later the taste was still so shit in my mouth that I said fuck it and uninstalled. I already knew I'd have to play more Blitzball, and decided to preemptively save myself from that hell.
That's doesn't mean it's the first JRPG he played.
I play JRPGs for the journey. That's why Grandia is so charming despite whatever plot it has.
I still remember crossing the end of the World in that game over 20 years later
tidus from final fantasy x
>you cant enjoy something i didnt enjoy
Because most anime are unfinished, at least JRPGs have a complete self contained story most of the time.
Nice reading you did there.
the cover
Realistic and likeable characters, cozy villages, cute girls for each taste, cool airships, good story with fitting romance, chemistry between couples. Every place is cool to visit.
zoomer nostalgia.
Sorry you got rekt by the chad luca goers
I bought this because of the Rikku blowjob flash
Unironically the greatest game of all time.
It's meant for small children who can't understand stories, and underdeveloped adults who grind away at soulcrushing wagie jobs.
It's not shit like almost half of the other FF games
As someone who put off playing this game for a long time, I was pleasantly surprised to enjoy this game a whole lot.
FF4, 6 and 10 are easily the best in the series