Accept it Zig Forums. Overwatch is a masterpiece and Blizzard is still at the top of their game

Accept it Zig Forums. Overwatch is a masterpiece and Blizzard is still at the top of their game.

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yeah just like the Mona Lisa i don't want to touch it.

overwatch 1.0 was a lot of fun.
But like every blizzard game, they ruin it with every update, with antifun patches

If the matchmaking wasn't a complete dumbsterfire, it could actually be a fun game.

No way it's a 10/10 in 2020. Not even in its prime. In it's prime it could've been a 9/10 at max. Right now it's about a 7.5/10

lol still not gonna reinstall

If you think so, but it's even more pathetic how you can't read.

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Overwatch would be better if it let you pick multiple of the same hero

That's just your opinion

see you could pick multiple of the same hero, but they removed it
muh esports > having fun

Sure. If you like 9/10 games being 1 sided stomps, you will love the current matchmaking system.


If you say so, Karen.

fpbp, remove your shit thread, OP.

Whatever you say, Karen.

Also you have to play "Arcade" mode if you even want to pick a character outside of your designated role.
Because god forbid you switch from a tank to a DPS

But it won't make me play it again, sweatie.
This. Compfags are cancer.

>Overwatch would be better if it let you pick multiple of the same hero

I don't know, it was kind of broken even at the time.

Was it really broken or were there just too many stubborn people that didn't want to switch to fit the situation? It seems like if a team stacked too far into the same character, it would be easy to counter.
It probably could get unbalanced in certain situations and maps.

It was broken and sometimes you were effortlessly steamrolled by an enemy team with broken hero combinations but when you weren't it was much more fun. Also being on the opposite side of the steamroller was fun too.

I doubt they give a shit honestly.

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All reviews are paid directly or indirectly though.

Sometimes I think reviewers are playing games for fun and Zig Forums tries to make video game into a profession.

>2 genjis on team
>someone says : 2 genjis? gg please switch
>someone else switches to genji
>1 minute later all our team are genjis and geting destroyed
but it was fun

a year ago i tried to play again and people are angry all the time and expecting you to pick according to the meta and play perfectly. I hate it.

But then you finally take your meds...

reinstalling right now boys

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overwatch may be the best game in the world.. matters not when nobody want to play it and game is fucking dead

What makes it 10/10 now? Are the small handful of new heroes that great an addition?

10/10 game for my 10/10 wife

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Based Overwatch

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This is the only reason why Overwatch is still relevant.

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10/10 game and 10/10 porn. Overwatch just does it all.

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So now much did Blizzard pay them?

>Blizzard is still at the top of their game
Yeah, and everybody but blizzdrones are hoping they'll jump.

is it free to play yet? if not, counter strike is still winning.

Overwatch isn't a terrible game. It's just repetitive. After like 100 hours, it feels like every match is almost exactly the same. It doesn't help that the devs just keep adding tons of new cosmetics instead of adding more gamemodes to the game.

But seriously, if they had a proper custom map maker, we could be reliving the glory days of halo 3 custom games

tf2 only has a dozen of meet the team videos, overwatch has infinite meat the team videos
overwatch wins baby

easy counter

>Wanting chinese aimbots in every match like tf2. No.