Are people actually losing weight with ringfit or are they cheating?

Are people actually losing weight with ringfit or are they cheating?

Attached: 1586324160653.webm (640x1138, 468.11K)

You don't lose weight by working out, you lose weight by not eating as much.

Working out just makes you stronger.

Based retard

i can't tell. that's a penis bulge right? can someone confirm? because i hope it is

>no dick

Yeah this is the case. You can technically lose more by working out but working out also makes you hungrier so you probably just end up eating more anyway. To lose weight you just need to eat less.

where is the dick

I'm not retarded, I'm fit. It's literally calories in calories out. If you're eating more calories you'll gain weight. If you are working out that weight is muscle, if not it's fat.


you guys see the boobs up top right?
if there's boobs that means she's a girl, penis means a boy

trannies can have boobs and a pp? how old are you?