Are people actually losing weight with ringfit or are they cheating?

Are people actually losing weight with ringfit or are they cheating?

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You don't lose weight by working out, you lose weight by not eating as much.

Working out just makes you stronger.

Based retard

i can't tell. that's a penis bulge right? can someone confirm? because i hope it is

>no dick

Yeah this is the case. You can technically lose more by working out but working out also makes you hungrier so you probably just end up eating more anyway. To lose weight you just need to eat less.

where is the dick

I'm not retarded, I'm fit. It's literally calories in calories out. If you're eating more calories you'll gain weight. If you are working out that weight is muscle, if not it's fat.


you guys see the boobs up top right?
if there's boobs that means she's a girl, penis means a boy

trannies can have boobs and a pp? how old are you?

More muscles mean higher metabolism

It is easier to lose weight by chaning your diet, but its even easier by working out with weight lifting and diet

So basically in

Godtier: diet + weightlifting
good tier: weight lift
Ok tier: diet + cardio (this game)
What you doing: cardio
Kys: only this game

>what are pads
>what are fake tits
>what is HRT

First, >probably
Second, strength training helps you lose weight(from fat, at least) because the bigger muscles need more constant energy usage for upkeep

>Losing weight
Doesn't matter. Makes you physically stronger, more health focused, and it's a fun game.
>b-but it's not as good as going to the gym-
Who fucking cares. Any excercise is good, especially if you're a fat loser gamer nerd. Go walk for an hour and it will make you better and feel better. Ring fit is good, even if it's overhyped.

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Godtier is fasting for 40 days. Weaklings can't even go without breakfast and they want to lose weight jogging for an hour every 1st of January.

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>Godtier is fasting for 40 days
If you're a fatfuck. Lanklets on Zig Forums don't have enough fat to last a week.

But hes right you fat fuck

More muscles also mean a near permanent weight increase. You might look better but that number isn't going down my dude. Diet is everything.

You lose weight by consuming less carbs.

so how the fuck are you supposed to balance it so you wont be starving and stomach growling when you are trying to sleep (preferably not having a growling stomach ever while eating less calories than you spend). it seems like there HAS to be a point when you have a growling stomach if you are trying to lose weight

Most people are trying to look better and be less fat, not make their limit at a UFC weigh-in
Also sugar, since it's functionally the same as carbs

Fasting is actually very unhealthy to some people with higher rates of metabolism

People want to lose fat, not just "lose weight."
Your weight alone means almost nothing without considering the fat to muscle ratio.


Just literally just need to count calories. Working out doesn't do a ton.

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People are generally talking about fat when they say they want to lose weight.

Sugar IS carbs.

>tfw 115lbs
u fat fucks would never

Just do calisthenics

>implying fat weight to muscle weight is some kind of 1:1 ratio
i have an extremely cursory understanding of the science, but there's no way all the fat you're burning is just getting chucked into the muscle pile, right?

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I'm honestly quite surprised that masses of twitchthots aren't using streaming this as an excuse to be half naked and sweating in streams.

not necessarily. muscle is far denser than fat. compare a skinnyfat 150lb guy vs a ufc fighter at 150. i gained a ton of weight as a fraud because i just ate a ton since i was lifting twice a day.

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based retarded "based retard"-poster

Why is cardio looked down upon? It's good for the heart and allows you to regulate your breathing better during intense activities (see: sex).

If you really want to sweat you need to get Just Dance instead.

your body uses muscle for fuel before fat. if you're burning fat but eating clean you can upkeep. it's why you see guys that train a ton also eat a ton.

You've got that the wrong way around

Shit advice. Calorie consumption is the most important but the 2 go hand in hand

You are correct that the other guy is a retard and muscle will always look better than fat, but technically your argument is incorrect. Regardless of density 5 pounds of muscle weighs the same as 5 pounds of fat.

you're just training yourself to eat less or low calorie things fatfuck

because they want to be aesthetically pleasing and aren't generally doing it for health. your body burns muscle first before fat also.

You eat less and less over time, retard. You don't instantly go from 2 pizzas a day to just an oreo. Your body adjusts to the "new normal"

Working out on a full stomach is the worst tho

Which means you can eat more food, but it's still got to do with how much food youre eating

Based Possumcomicgirl. I forgot the name but it’s based.
Thank you. Based, based based. Based.

In order to gain any muscle you must eat an excess of calories. If you exercise and tear muscle, proteins in those excess calories will be used to repair them and make them stronger. It's actually hard to gain weight when you properly exercise

fuck man i hate it when females dont have cocks

It is supposed to be about balancing the calorie intake and burning excess right? yes, eating less can help but also eating different things.

i never argued it was different weight. i'm saying your body comp as someone at 20% bf versus 10% at 150 will look radically different.
i never eat huge meals before i lift. i'll eat some almonds or something small and then have a protein heavy meal afterward like salmon and greens.

Calories are a caveman-tier measurement that only loosely correlates to the amount of food you're eating, and doesn't come close to correlating 1:1 to fat stored in the human body

You play in the margins. Whatever you normally eat, eat a bit less. You don't make dramatic changes. You make little ones over time or you're gonna fuck up your health hardcore.

I gave myself diabeetus training like a retard.
>Decided I didn't like stomach cramps when running
>I'll just not fucking eat before I run for 30min
>Decided I like how it feels like time slows down when I stay up super late
>Do high intensity sparring and workouts on no sleep
>One day running
>Feel my entire body shudder
>Health declines over several months
>Go to doctor
>Got the beetus

Don't fuck with your shit, small increments.

>be less fat
Mostly pointless, and highly depended on current weight. I'm just saying focusing on the number itself is stupid. When you start working out regularly your whole body changes.


Yeah, my entire point is that weight reduction becomes meaningless once you start a routine because your functionality will increase, you'll probably lose fat and gain muscle at almost the same rate depending on what you do.

The goal shouldn't be to lose fat, but to become glorious.

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Is carbs sugar?