Why are Japanese games so seedy

Whether a jap game is good or not depends on how seedy it is - the more seedy the worst the least seedy the best. Agree?

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Sexiness bad
Violence good
Die for Israel and god bless

What does seedy even means? Is this another one of those borrow nigger words from america?

>inb4 discussing about how awesome women affectiin and jacking off are instead of games

>It's a "American doesn't understand different countries have different values and beliefs towards things" episode
Sick of this re-run desu senpai

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there isn't much need for gameplay since the entire purpose of most jap media is to seperate the degenerates from the salaryman, so cheesecake is usually enough to go by

it also doesnt help that the people who make these games are also degenerates

I don't care about your retarded thread just came to say I'd like to nut on the right jap qt

Seediness is good. By which I mean, it's best when the girls are getting seeded.

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>its another person generalizes the entire country of america episode

They're not THAT seedy, you're just used to western shit that has writers and journalists that act like smithers in this gif

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