Whether a jap game is good or not depends on how seedy it is - the more seedy the worst the least seedy the best. Agree?
Why are Japanese games so seedy
Sexiness bad
Violence good
Die for Israel and god bless
What does seedy even means? Is this another one of those borrow nigger words from america?
>inb4 discussing about how awesome women affectiin and jacking off are instead of games
>It's a "American doesn't understand different countries have different values and beliefs towards things" episode
Sick of this re-run desu senpai
there isn't much need for gameplay since the entire purpose of most jap media is to seperate the degenerates from the salaryman, so cheesecake is usually enough to go by
it also doesnt help that the people who make these games are also degenerates
I don't care about your retarded thread just came to say I'd like to nut on the right jap qt
Seediness is good. By which I mean, it's best when the girls are getting seeded.
>its another person generalizes the entire country of america episode
They're not THAT seedy, you're just used to western shit that has writers and journalists that act like smithers in this gif
>Sexiness bad
>Violence good
>Die for Israel
If you made ecchi videogames in 1920s Japan you would be executed
That's really ironic coming from an American.
What are some video games?
Elmo's Number Journey
Thighs too large
asses too big
how to get japanese girls
Good Lord...
Huh? Wha? Video what?
sauce names jav code? I need it all
Is this NTR
>country of america
It's a loli watching her future self get impregnated
Japan has been making erotic woodblock printings for hundreds of years.
I know what I'm going to do when I get home.
play videogames
I'm not American bud, also not an argument
I like this guy
formerly sucked
The argument is that americans generalize other countries and their citizens but cry like babies when done to them.
>not american
Good for you.
What's that, faggot?
You want seed in your mouth?
We can arrange that, open up.
Why is the guy impregnating the future loli instead of the present loli?
for now
every time someone brings up "game but anime girls" crappy models like these are the first thing I think of
by going to uganda
Do you think those girls have ever seen a white man's erect penis?
Japanese anime coomer games are marketed primarily at obese American weaboos you retard
Based on the image it's a futa knocking her up, but presumably there's a fetish involved. Maybe the girl getting knocked up is getting off on showing her past self her future, and how she becomes addicted to cock. Maybe the futa wants the loli to know that fate has already decreed that she'll become her wife and bear her children. It's a power move.
what seedy about Japanese games?
My balls are very seedy and want to unload into Nips.
Do Jap girls like White western men? Are they easy scores over there in nipland?
I have this body type
yeah but you're a greasy neckbeard
sneed feed and seed
Why do people hate Jap games?
I wonder how a cat's tongue would feel on your dick. You know, as joke haha
Love of Yatsufuji features, among other things, numerous raunchy pieces and literal bestiality, and that dates nearly a century before your purported nonsense timeline. If you were going to be executed for any reason in 1920's Japan, it'd be because you showed them a modern videogame in action and they thought you were some kind of demented time traveling alien in human skin.
wait a minute this is real
I personally don't like goofy jrpg's, love games like Yakuza, Resident Evil and Silent Hill but I fucking hate gay bullshit like Persona, Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest.
I say once some youtube video and some liked the taller/more attractive face and less spergy/timid attitude of westerners. But almost all feared nor being able to communicate, so if you try be sure to learn your nip well.
man, I'm drunk