Prove me wrong

Prove me wrong.

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row 1 column 2: toby undertale
row 1 column 3: nier creator
row 2 column 3: kojima
row 3 column 2: the kickstarter vaporware anime game guy
row 3 column 3: angry vidya guy

don't know the rest

Where does he stand?

Attached: Yoshidasan.jpg (594x334, 21.54K)

Where is Chris Roberts? Where is Gaben? Where is J. Allen Brack?

where the FUCK is TODD and CLIFFY

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Groovy Baby

Todd would be either Lawful or Chaotic Evil

I recognize everyone except Lawful Evil. And to an extend Chaotic Evil, I know the face and gist of him but never looked too much into him.

Rehashing the same game for a decade and more isn't true neutral, it's evil

>Went from normal dude to trying really hard to be cool
>Actively shits on old games he made because he deems them lame and no longer fits the new image he wants to create for himself
>True Good
I don't see it. He's more in the Neutral territory.