Prove me wrong

Prove me wrong.

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row 1 column 2: toby undertale
row 1 column 3: nier creator
row 2 column 3: kojima
row 3 column 2: the kickstarter vaporware anime game guy
row 3 column 3: angry vidya guy

don't know the rest

Where does he stand?

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Where is Chris Roberts? Where is Gaben? Where is J. Allen Brack?

where the FUCK is TODD and CLIFFY

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Groovy Baby

Todd would be either Lawful or Chaotic Evil

I recognize everyone except Lawful Evil. And to an extend Chaotic Evil, I know the face and gist of him but never looked too much into him.

Rehashing the same game for a decade and more isn't true neutral, it's evil

>Went from normal dude to trying really hard to be cool
>Actively shits on old games he made because he deems them lame and no longer fits the new image he wants to create for himself
>True Good
I don't see it. He's more in the Neutral territory.

I think we can all universally agree Randy deserves the "Evil" column.

I'd rather prove you gay

Yoshida-san: Chaotic Good
Chris Roberts: True Neutral
Gaben: Lawful Neutral
JAB: Lawful Evil
Todd: Neutral Evil
Cliff: Chaotic Neutral

Bonus round:
John Romero: Neutral Evil
Sean Murray: Lawful Neutral
Neutral Good: Scott Cawthon

I only recognize Toby, Taro, Moliarneux, and Kojima

Liar belongs in Lawful Evil

Yeah, I had my doubts putting him there. But Cage fits the role far better.

Evil is always based.

Cliff is more like chaotic stupid.

Where would Gaben and Nomura fit?

Faces say flip the chart vertically

where does "el loco" fall?

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But seriously, why is the Yakuza dev Lawful Good?

Based. Yoko Taro is hella chaotic good. I wonder how he'll top Automata's prerelease shenanigans.

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>not chaotic neutral

Which would nomura be

I would say Chaotic good

Molyneux did nothing wrong.

What makes you say Nagoshi is Lawful Good?

>makes game about "repairing" america
fuck kojimmie, he's just chaotic ass at this point

Molyneux did plenty of wrong, but also plenty of good.

He's like a trickster god of some sort.

molyfraud is most certainly lawful evil

I too wish to know this.

Randy is not evil. He's just a chaotic force of nature.