Is this going to be the savior of fighting games?

>the next generation of "drones" are going to be Riot kiddies that defend Xi Jingping, China and communism

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you don't remember rising thunder?

No. Fighting games are going to remain a very small genre. Or they will outright die. But likely they'll keep coasting on by with their very dedicated fanbase and the casuals who buy some of them from time to time just to drop them in a week.

Didn't this end up just being a visual for a card game they made?

Pretty disingenuous my man. I can input all the specials and supers in the world but that's about as significant as being able to press M1 to shoot in an FPS.

Given the way already hates the game THIS much when we don't even know it's real title yet, I think it's safe to say it'll be the most popular and successful fighting game ever.

Them's Fightin' Herds, Skullgirls and Killer Instinct already teamed up and saved fighting games.
Also MK was there too

I hope they learn from all the casualized fighting games and don't make it basic shit. Just dangle some shiny shit for the casuals and release a few PR videos explaining that player skill IS the progression in fighters
also put my man fiddlesticks in

>sjw shit
half their champs are 10/10 women with huge boobs what the fuck are you on

Not sure what you're talking about, LoR is a smash hit.
You and your gay buttbuddies disliking something doesn't just magically kill it.

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