Is this going to be the savior of fighting games?

Is this going to be the savior of fighting games?

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I just wanna see faggots get salty when they don't have their team to blame when they suck.

Lol fuck no it’s league of legends.

It'll be a dead after 2 weeks. Riot loves adding SJW shit into everything.

>a fighting game pandering to casuals
>it's from riot games
It will be popular no doubt

save fighting games from what

history has shown no matter how casualized a fighting game gets, casuals will drop it after a week no matter what

Is there still no news on this game? Roster? Anything? When is it even supposed to come out?

it's going to be shallow garbage with 3 mechanics total that you'll get bored of after a few hours. all the characters will have two normals and two specials and that's it, and everyone will love it because it's casual Riot trash that appeals to brainlets who don't play fighting games.
i hope since it's Riot and they're familiar with networking that the game has a decent netcode. I may actually give it a try if it has good netcode. Average or below and I won't even bother
also I hope Rengar and Pyke make it in

Has it right. This isn't their first attempt at a FG either, back in 2013 or so the alpha for their last attempt was shared with a few people and god it was hilarious. Riot is also fucking retarded so good luck with that.

can you blame them? button mashing gets boring fast and normies don't have the time or patience to get past the learning curve of fighting games

Doing complicated shit isn't fun either. That's why fighting games are dying.

>complicated shit
>quarter circle is complicated
Again with this fucking tired ass reason. The moves arent the issue, the fact that you suck cock and refuse to admit is the reason. You're gonna get salty in more "traditonal" fighters same as you'd get salty in more unique ones like Smash.
Fuck off from this and future threads you fucking casual faggot.

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nah, even games like BBTAG and DBFZ that have zero execution barrier got abandoned by casuals so thats not the reason

Smash is actually good but is only for nintendo consoles.
It might not be complicated shit but is complicated for the sake of being.

I want it to come out purely so I can get my dumb fuck friends to play some matches with me.

Go back to Zig Forums you snowflake baby

this is the prime reason i want it to release.

Fighting games don't need any saviours, sfv is fixed, stop being mad.

>sfv is fixed

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As long as I get to establish STRENGTH ABOVE ALL then I'm fine with this.

People don't like to play alone in online games. People want to bro-op. Fighting games are usually 1 v 1. I really wish some game company like Arksys would make a tag fighting game where each character is controlled by 1 person and so you can tag out to your friend. That or make a KoF style game where each character is controlled by 1 person and you can fight as a team taking turns. I know they do this for offline in some old fighting games but they should really make it a feature for online fightan as well.

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>capcom been working on rollback netcode for years
>even fucking arcsys putting rollback into GG
>SNK experimenting with rollback in their old game ports
>all the japanese devs trying out games with rollback now that they got exposed and shamed with the EVO online roster not having any of them in it
>no signs of the shitty LeL fighter coming out soon
by the time its out it will offer literally nothing special.

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To blame your partnert instead of taking the LOSE because you're shit like a man?

All I'm saying is team games are more popular, and if Fighting games had such an option it would make them much more livelier. Besides one of my suggestions was a KoF style where it'd still kind of be 1 v 1 just taking turns on round wins.

SFxT was pretty fun with a friend, but then again it was SFxT, so the fun only lasted for a while.

>retards that have played video games for years without realizing how sloppy and imprecise their inputs were
its true

team games arent more popular because people play together. most people still just run with strangers but there they can blame them for their own fuckups.
and good luck handling random matchmaking in a tag fighter where you dont know who steers your other character.

>cames from a popular franchise
>free game
They must suck for not making this good.

>rent free

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>misses Evo its first year
I will not stop laughing.

Maybe you don't play with friends but if you look at games like League, Overwatch, CSGO, etc. etc. A lot of people queue up/party up. Imagine if CSGO just had a 1 v 1 shooting mode, It does have Wingman which is 2 v 2 but obviously the regular 5 v 5 mode is more popular. Why? Because you can play with all your bros on a team. Online games are more fun when you can play with more of your friends. Its a fact.

why does it look so UGLY

>chink game
>sjw shit
>probably be forgotten like granblue
>free to play

Yes, you are letting lefties live rent free in your head

I have played team games long enough to know that most people do not play in premades and that getting a proper permanent big premade is a huge task.
I also know that team games are literally populated by retards who hate skill based matchmaking and only play them because they can dunning krueger blame their teammates.

Source your ass

I hate mobile game graphics

Sounds like you only play by yourself and are projecting. You have my pity.

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I was actually mega bootyblasted when I went from playing SFIV and fightcade to playing Tekken because the former games take some real sloppy fucking inputs and Tekken really doesn't like them. This is the reason why I play Tekken on keyboard and play SF on a stick, not to mention doing 720s on a keyboard is mega gay.

>the next generation of "drones" are going to be Riot kiddies that defend Xi Jingping, China and communism

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you don't remember rising thunder?

No. Fighting games are going to remain a very small genre. Or they will outright die. But likely they'll keep coasting on by with their very dedicated fanbase and the casuals who buy some of them from time to time just to drop them in a week.

Didn't this end up just being a visual for a card game they made?

Pretty disingenuous my man. I can input all the specials and supers in the world but that's about as significant as being able to press M1 to shoot in an FPS.

Given the way already hates the game THIS much when we don't even know it's real title yet, I think it's safe to say it'll be the most popular and successful fighting game ever.

Them's Fightin' Herds, Skullgirls and Killer Instinct already teamed up and saved fighting games.
Also MK was there too

I hope they learn from all the casualized fighting games and don't make it basic shit. Just dangle some shiny shit for the casuals and release a few PR videos explaining that player skill IS the progression in fighters
also put my man fiddlesticks in

>sjw shit
half their champs are 10/10 women with huge boobs what the fuck are you on

Not sure what you're talking about, LoR is a smash hit.
You and your gay buttbuddies disliking something doesn't just magically kill it.

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DBFZ has that, local only though i think.

if it takes this trash to force other fighting game devs to fix their busted online experience from the ground up then i welcome it, riot cancer or not.

no it be real

Then nobody will want to play it. Fighting games will remain niche to the handful of people who care enough to git gud at them.

Thats why it will never be popular, at least not with the retards you're talking about.

>10/10 women

It will be the final nail in the coffing for fighting games. It will be the most casualized shit ever, but also the most popular because it's LoL.

I often wonder if the thought that making their fighting game easier for casuals also makes it easier for veterans to crush the casuals ever actually crosses the devs' minds or if they actually believe that any significant number of casuals will enjoy the gameplay and mechanics enough to weather getting stomped until they've got the more under-the-surface concepts down

you are gay

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looks chinese