Fallout 1997

fallout 1997
>hmm, the water chip appears to be in the city of Necropolis. Should I simply sneak past the inhabitants and swipe the chip? Maybe their leader has some information. It appears some super mutants have taken over the pump shed. Should I sneak past them, talk my way through, or just kill them, then fix it? If I've destroyed the military base I can convince them to leave. They can even take me to their commander.
fallout 2015
>HURR shoot the robot men and cornflakes to win

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What’s your point

Fallout 4 on survival made you think a lot


think about why you're playing a shit game

Yeah, think about why you're playing Fallout 4

>do I use a stimpack during this boring firefight or do I save my stimpacks for the next boring firefight
Bethesda Fallout is truly big brain thinking man's game.

Attached: 1588615866005.jpg (400x808, 146.35K)

It's at least better than 3, but not by much. Best gameplay from a Bethesda release.

It made me think about what other games I could be playing instead.

It's the checkpoint saving and the fact that you can't take on super mutants until at least level 20.

fallout 1997
>The ghouls of Necropolis learn firsthand the final meaning of dehydration, as their city succumbs to the desert sands and the water runs out. Without their water purifying control chip, they do not survive.
fallout 2015
>ghoul child survives 210 years trapped in a fridge

fallout 1
>It appears Tandi has been kidnapped by raiders. I can free her by intimidating the raider leader with a high speech skill, defeating him in one on one combat, killing him and his raiders, sneak past them and pick the lock to her cell, pay her ransom, or with very high luck pretend to be the dead father of the raider leader and scare them into giving her up.
fallout 4
>just shoot all the tommy gun gangsters and free inspector gadget!

And that's how you know your brain has imploded.

Was it canon that Death Claws could fuck you up just by looking at you? I remember Harold mentioning it, but nothing more.

Fallout 4 is only good with Immersive Gameplay mod. I don't understand how anyone could enjoy the game with how little damage all the weapons do in base game.

I’m pretty sure it was just a myth

>dialogue options with consequences

Fallout 4
>Yes, Sarcastic Yes, No (Yes) and Tell me more (Yes)

Don't forget that his family is still alive and living in their old house :^)

Ah, I figured. Would be cool if you encountered one that did something like that, just as a homage.

>super mutants are infertile, 90% of them are retarded and more of them have physical deformities such as their weird elongated upper lip which has to be tied back
>super mutants live everywhere, and everyone has access to the FEV
>oh and by the way there are GIANT ones now, isn't that exciting?!

i sho doo love thinkin mmm yessirree


>live everywhere
Yeah, they were appearing like they were basically being manufactured. This isn't a new Bethesda thing

Super mutants being shoehorned into every setting from Massachusetts to West Virginia just because “the institute/vault tec/ whatever did FEV experiments” is lazy and just proof they couldn’t come up with something new.

Mutants are a West Coast exclusive thing, the reason he stresses "mostly from the NW" is because they're being created by the Master and spreading around, not because they're being assembled in laboratories across the US. They shouldn't be in 3 at all.

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Why did they remove faction and town reputation?

They give a few locations as to why Super Mutants are appearing. Look, I think Betheada has bastardized some lore (ghouls), but I think they kept super Mutants relatively intact.

Fallout 1
>is an outdated piece of shit

Fallout 4
>is still pretty bad but at least it's fun with mods

>is an outdated piece of shit
played it recently and it holds up well.

>fun with mods
When you mod a game so thoroughly that it's barely recognizable compared to the original, and only then call it good— that's not a point in favor of the game.

Fallout was never good
Bethesda fallout isn't canon

Irate gamer tier

Sorry for your shit taste.

>Fallout was never good
it was though

Dont reply to tripfags

You’re a colossal faggot. I don’t know if you got filtered by the combat or the lack of quest markers, but lol.

fallout 2
>hmm this trader named Vic must know where the holy vault 13 is. Oh he's been slaved, I can rescue him by brute force or buying him after he fixes the radio. I remember that I sold the radio, well, too bad for him, maybe I should just go to that Vaultcity everyone talks about
And now he's a slave forever.

The problem is that first of all, Bethesda. They themselves are a problem. Second of all, they tried to turn Fallout into what others on Zig Forums have described as a "theme park" ride of sorts rather than making it a proper RPG game. Fallout 4 is the worst, in my opinion, because it's a shooter with some numbers in it, pretending really hard to be an RPG.

So they turn it more into an FPS and then the story is just bad. I'd argue that even Fallout 3 tried to keep some things of classic Fallout intact, but 4 just shits all over everything while Todd just smiles away, that manlet fuck. I'm confident in saying that a smaller company with talented and passionate workers can give Fallout a proper game with proper RPG mechanics in it, along with everything else.

fuck off zoomer