Fallout 1997

Sorry for your shit taste.

>Fallout was never good
it was though

Dont reply to tripfags

You’re a colossal faggot. I don’t know if you got filtered by the combat or the lack of quest markers, but lol.

fallout 2
>hmm this trader named Vic must know where the holy vault 13 is. Oh he's been slaved, I can rescue him by brute force or buying him after he fixes the radio. I remember that I sold the radio, well, too bad for him, maybe I should just go to that Vaultcity everyone talks about
And now he's a slave forever.

The problem is that first of all, Bethesda. They themselves are a problem. Second of all, they tried to turn Fallout into what others on Zig Forums have described as a "theme park" ride of sorts rather than making it a proper RPG game. Fallout 4 is the worst, in my opinion, because it's a shooter with some numbers in it, pretending really hard to be an RPG.

So they turn it more into an FPS and then the story is just bad. I'd argue that even Fallout 3 tried to keep some things of classic Fallout intact, but 4 just shits all over everything while Todd just smiles away, that manlet fuck. I'm confident in saying that a smaller company with talented and passionate workers can give Fallout a proper game with proper RPG mechanics in it, along with everything else.

fuck off zoomer