Would video games be better without capitalism?

would video games be better without capitalism?

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oh boy another faggot who do not understand even the basic shit about economy...

to answer your question no it would not be better

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just a theoretical, user

part of me thinks they wouldnt even exist, or there would be a lot less of them

Collective ownership of what? The computers? The 3d models to jack off to?

yeah, probably

there would be less of them and the quality would be questionable

you already have free games and mods that are done for free and while some of them are good the quality of it is nowhere near the products you paying for

isnt this then an argument against the profit motive of capitalism?

if people are creating mods better than the games themselves, and most of the do it for free, then why wouldnt more people create that art when the resources are readily available to them no matter what?

commies often forget the most important fact we talking about humans not robots

Video games would be better if people weren't fucking stupid buy-first-think-later consoomer retards

resources are readily available to them no matter what?
are you retarted? there is no enough resources for all people

also how many mods are better than games themself? there not that many of them