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Video Games
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Video Games #5093
Video Games
Ruins your game
Hardest fighting games
Game becomes easier in the western version
How do I play competitive games without wanting to kill myself when I lose?
[2005] - 1.2 Million IGN Users vote on the best games ever
Princess Peach!
Skullgirls Adds Gay Furry to Game
Undertale was such a good game
Finally go from count to king
What happened to twitch?
They censored the harpies
Great concepts that got ruined with by the gameplay
The actual state of twitch lmaoooo
Is this the best Ben 10 game?
Cirno best touhou
What's the best Paper Mario partner?
Fuck you, it was fun
What’s your idea for a 10th class and their mechanics?
I have awoken
What happened?
Itt: games you have actually been filtered by
Should a remake just stay as close as possible to the original or try to be inventive?
I can't laugh or cry anymore
Why does Zig Forums hate dungeon crawlers when they're one of the comfiest game genres?
Fighter pass vol. 2 thread
Fuck, Marry, Kill
What trash game series you can't stop consuming?
Serious sam 4 looks bad
ITT: Games only liked by midwits
Game sucks but everyone acts like it's great
Finished all the Souls games, Bloodborne and Sekiro
Character is voiced by a porn actress
Will Rockstar ever make a GTA as good as San Andreas again? It seems like they lost something after this era
Why are you browsing Zig Forums right now? Go play a game
Game look awesome
Privated Sakurai Video
Imagine DMCA people for reporting DMCA
How are you doing in season 10?
Would you play a GTA made for VR ?
Play Azur Lane
FACT: Khajiit are the most powerful race in Nirn
Is there a more chad TETH? lobcorp/libraryofruina thread
He's not funny anymore
Stuck in 800x600
Which fantasy race do you usually choose to play as?
Japanese games are better and more memorable than Western games
Run with Ctrl
Why doesn't the Switch have a Nintendo Select/Greatest hits/Players Choice equivalent?
What was the first moment in video games that scared you?
WoW classic
UnderRail Thread
Why are there so many badly designed video games but no badly designed irl games?
Team Fortress 3
Maitetsu is being released on the Switch
ITT: Low spec gaming
Seriously Zig Forums, what's the difference between DNF and CBF?
What went wrong with N64 DD?
What vidya girl resembles you're gril-friend the most?
Why does everyone let them get away with everything?
Why do people insist that this is worse than the previous games?
Whats left for the series?
Is Civ 6 worth playing?
How's that quarantine backlog coming?
Itt: games that need a remaster
It's Saturday. You sold your Animal Crossing so long ago that you don't even remember you bought them, right, user...?
What are some KINO vidya trailers?
It's up
Continuum shift is the best BB game. Prove me wrong
Yup, this is going to be a good video game
Which FE would you reccomend me?
Why aren't you guys celebrating that this might actually come back soon?
If your reaction time is above 200, you should really consider giving up gaming
Who's the most powerful Fallout protag?
How would you improve it for Terraria 2?
This game needed the gambit system
Eliminated on the finish line
It’s ok when Nintendo does it!
Why would you play VR when you can just play video games
Dragon's Dogma: Deep Messages Thread
Why can't she be one of the party members?
Are there any vidya character as based as moro
Imagine being so cordcucked you can't into rechargy AA boyos
Why did spaceship first person shooters disappear? They were so cool and popular in the 90s
Sega Saturn
Why is Zig Forums basically the only place in the internet that hates bowsette...
Zig Forums says a game is cringeworthy and bad
What would you do in the Pokemon universe?
Fuck off this game is over a year old. why is it still full price!? this isn't a nintendo game or some shit...
What did Final Fantasy 7 innovate?
You don't actually eat finger food while you play video games, right?
Canon Waifu
What games have you finished in 2020?
Here's that Nintendo game you wanted, son
This is your PlayStation 5 launch lineup
Games literally only you like
You can stop comparing Forces to 06 anytime now
How come no other porn game dethroned aa2 yet?
Mario thread
Saints Row 3 Remastered
SMTIV released 7 years ago
Laser gun
Played the first one
ITT games only I played
Are we still pretending this wasn't a masterpiece?
Just reached 23 years old
Games with good duel wielding?
What advantages do these jrpgs have... over, say, wrpgs? Which I could also afford
Since we are at the end of the usual cycle of hobby infiltration and subjugation...
I can't tell the aliens from the animals
Sound thread
Trails in the Sky
Games where the protagonist becomes the main villain?
Bug memory infinite
What do you think of The World Ends With You?
Nier Automata
AoE 2 DE MP Age of Empires 2
Bully 2 will be set in a japanese highschool
Why so uncrackable?
Hideki Kamiya: Xbox feels like something foreign and far away in Japan
Trying my hardest to roleplay a paladin/holy knight character
Dark Souls
Terraria thread
Now that the next 40K game edition is official, will we get good new video games about it?
Why didn't buy Chino's game ?
What games have animal companions?
Playing at 1080p
Imagine booting up Skullgirls and going to training mode to lab some combos...
It seems that Final Fantasy VII Remake is not performing so well
If someone killed you what kind of loot would you drop?
Ghost of Tsushima
What's with Vanila?
Could you even imagine
Where do you stand?
Anyone else find it hilarious how shitcubefags go on and on about how superior graphics their console has (its doesn't...
I went into this game with the full intention of boning hatsuho but sakura is way too cute
The last good game bethesda has made
Animal Crossing
Why do people say Dante has been flanderized and ruined when DMC5 has one of the most depressing depictions of him?
Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition
What game are you going to make your gamer girl play with you on your first date?
Join a lobby
Meanwhile on Stone Age Zig Forums
Scummy G2A Admits Selling Stolen Game Keys, Then Acts Like A Victim
What games, if any, come the closest to replicating real life sword fighting?
User you should play witcher 3
Any video game about dogs?
He bought AMD for gaming
What are the best H-games and why is it NoR?
This is probably the worst story moment in video games
What is the appeal of the characters of Link and Zelda?
Go to steam
Are you still mad?
How the fuck did this garbage ever get popular, aside from lack of other options at the time...
Is it worth replaying?
This game hooked me up better than HZD or TLOU in terms of story and world building...
Remember when you could chill in comfy forums...
Why wont sony hire this visionary?
What went wrong?
I made a thread earlier about Alyx being broken, I spoke to Steam, they admitted that it is a known issue...
Why has no one made a Wonder Woman game yet?
Hows your game going Zig Forums, has corona-chan improved or hurt your progress?
Now that the dust has settled, how was it?
What will be your reaction when HALF LIFE 3 will be announced?
Who's the worst?
ITT:Alts that should’ve been in Smash
Post modern games that still make you have hope about the future of the industry
What's your opinion on modern fg rosters?
Japanese game looks interesting
Do you have your "gamer dent" Zig Forums?
Pick one company from this image to have it's games and influence on the industry permanently deleted from existence
Is Randy /ourguy/?
Garyc thread
Based or cringe?
ITT: Games that desperately need a remaster or remake
Post your current build
He doesn't consider collecting vidya to be a hobby
Play Indie Game Thread
How will Team Fortress 2 be remembered?
For zoomers, 1999 is the unfathomably distant past, relative to what they know, a veritable caveman era
Is there any legitimate reason to side with Yes Man?
I say this with a heavy heart, but with the Wastelanders dlc Fallout 76 is now the best Fallout game
Cyberpunk 2077
This is a fighter
Zig Forums when this game releases to critical acclaim and sells well
Who was in the FEthread here?
That ending
How do we fix the horror genre?
Metal Gear Solid movie
I cant believe its been two years, hes probably a skeleton by now
What does crane milk taste like?
Lets pretend its out already
The so called "Steam Killer"
*Saves the BR genre*
ITT: monster designs that gave you nightmares as a child
Splatoon thread
ITT: top tier vidya youtubers
Still my favorite Switch exclusive
Without exaggeration or hyperbole, what are the WORST controls you have ever encountered in a game?
Mods ban lefty posts in forums for "trolling"
Why aren't you Free Flying?
What games are you playing this weekend Zig Forums?
Just finished Silent Hill 1 and had a blast. The cheapest way to play Silent Hill 2 and 3 is this...
What does the N stand for
How is your computer during summer, Zig Forums?
Replaying this and I forgot that it kicks ass. what do you want to see from a new donkey kong country?
Wonderful 101
Why don’t Gamers stop raging about anything that makes them feel insecure, and instead, y’know, enjoy videogames?
What am I in for
Was this really necessary on a children's videogame?
Games that overstayed their welcome
Wow this game is really good
Monster Hunter
Why are video games so sexualized nowadays? Everything now is made with "Waifus" in mind...
Using the bow is all about elbow/arm (upper body in general, rather) "strength." Why do games tie it to DEX?
Nioh 2
Well, which one are you?
You didn’t fall for the 2080ti did you user
Risk of Rain
Battlestations Thread
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
What makes the left feel so soulful, and the right so soulless...? Please explain in quantifiable terms
Tourchlight III will take the biggest departure from Diablo to date, and remove player levels completely. Wow!
FFXIV thread
If you don't like any of these games, then you don't like video games
Ace Attorney
Do PC players really?
A single tribute monster with the power level of red eyes that completely invalidates 1/3 of the game
"I'm not your Mary"
It's bad, even if you dont compare it to any other froms soft games, it's still bad. I just beat this trash...
Gameplay loop
What does Zig Forums think of Hotline Miami ? I never see them being discuss here
Post Kickstarter scams
Remember when VR first was released 7 fucking years ago?
Is there anything worse than a healcuck?
Why are you so mean to each other vee?
Take a video game name that has two or more words in it and replace one of the words with FART
Regardless if you like it or not, this was the last good multiplayer FPS game
This is the largest game in the nigger collection
My husband and I have been playing Borderlands together since we’ve been together...
Japanese game
ITT: Games that are too damn long
Name a video game with almost no flaws
Admit it, all they do is make the same games over and over again and beat the series to death...
I'm almost done playing this game and it's fucking amazing. Why don't sony fans care about it...
Who's in other than these two?
I mean lets be honest, trial-and-error is bad game design
Top selling
*ruins the game*
How do you become a warrior with gigantic milkers?
Space Marines
Best Star Wars Game
Music doesn't need to be catchy
Worst game of the serie has best girl
Final Fantasy VII REMAKE
Post any more perfect video game character
What is with Japan's newfound obsession with 'howdy, y'all' girls?
Play Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Was Medieval II the last kino total war game? Or is it my nostalgia talking?
Reminder that their relationship was romantic
Yo Kai Watch thread
Ruins Paper Mario
I think it looks exciting and cool...
Aeris or Aerith?
How do we fix the horror genre
Got isekai'd to the REAL Ivalice unlike Marche
Are there any better PVE games than dark souls?
Azur Lane Thread
Do you play video games?
Neptunia / VVVtune
ITT: We improve vidya character designs
I won in the end, Mike
What games let me fulfill my fantasy of being a steppe rider not mount and blade
Frostbite engineer blown away by PS5's SSD tech
Is it worth getting into Playstation this late? Can I hide my trophies so people dont know I just started?
What are some of your favorite developer quotes?
Forced to accept TOS no matter how asinine they may be
Arnt they saying the PS5 and xbox series x is meant to be as powerful as a GTX 1070?
Oh lord
This is the future of video games
Why don't developers make maps smaller and denser, and have us walk to places instead of run?
How is it possible to make a car game so gay?
Imagine actually having to argue about how gameplay is the most important thing in a videogame
What are some good left leaning LGBT inclusionary games?
Does Zig Forums like Skullgirls?
Modern gaming is dead, isn't it?
The next KH game should be about Kiari
What game is this from
Official AC Power-Rankings
Are there any games with this feeling?
>no good sailor moon games
Maneater thread
You can only post in this thread if your Smash main is honest and high IQ
RELEASE DATE: 20 Jan, 2016
What are your opinions on goblins?
Metroid Prime trilogy
Hey Deb?
Worst party member becomes the main character in the sequel
What's your problem with him?
Is there a significance behind the bold letters?
Why is dark souls discussion on here so fucking dogshit...
Real talk, no memes
Pirate mafia 3 "definitive edition" just because
What are some scary as fuck video games?
Name a worse PLAYABLE character Zig Forums
Why is FFVIIR underperforming in Europe compared to NA and Asia?
Skullgirls said non binary rights
Join us
She killed millions
Dead or Alive
Itt small details that make you hate a game
Is this the hardest boss to solo in base Bloodborne?
Come on guys, the game wasn't that bad
What would you consider to be the "perfect" game?
How are his reviews so good?
ITT: Zoomers ask boomers gaming related questions. (Part 4)
How was this allowed again?
Soul Reaver remake fucking when?!
Would you be happy that this game turns out great and destroys our fears or would you be seething it’s not pixel...
Why are game stories like this?
Which console will win the 9th generation?
Interface design
7 days
What games where you can play as a tank?
Tell me right now why you aren't playing an ironman account
33 minutes of random cut scenes
Wc lvs?
ITT: You're about to heist your nearest computer shop, but you're limited to get 3 items only
Why is she the best female ever created in any video game?
Played any good RPG Maker games lately?
These are still the 2 most beautiful character portraits in a fighting game to this very day
How many of these games have you played to completion Zig Forums?
S-Star Citizen is never coming out!!!
We must win using THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP™ and accept all differing views!
So are the gods in Assassin's Creed actually gods? None of this shit makes sense...
What the fuck did Kojima mean by this
Zig Forums hates gacha games
Thoughts on this game?
I think that all females in videogames should be oversexualized and dress like total whores
Don't ever give up, my son
Jackbox Thread
Why was Cass the best girl in fallout NV?
Here's your average pcgamer bro
How much fanservice is too much?
What game?
Ronnie thinks he has lost muscle mass by dieting, yikes
J-J-Joker... Am I worth 6500 yen?
Games were you overcome racism
Emulation general
Will a gameplay reveal trailer ever generate as much hype and buzz as GTA V did?
Give me a summary of Kingdom Hearts
Would video games be better without capitalism?
Why does no one talk about her game?
If you use handhelds in public you are beta!
ITT: Zoomers ask boomers gaming related questions. (Part 3)
Trials Of Mana
Getting mad over a video game because you can have a dick as a girl
This is Adam Jensen. Say something nice about him
Used this site for 95% of my life
Castlevania Thread
Irating indie games
How do we fix this problem Zig Forums?
File Emblem
Just picked this up, whos best waifu?
How did Sony fucked up so much with the PS3 but at the same time won?
Your wife walks in on your secret gaming session
What do you want to see in the next 40K game?
He was bi
This kills the Zig Forums
Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?
What are some videogames
It's better than Darkest Dungeon
Is this the worst character transformation in the vidiya?
Persona 5
ITT: We pretend we are playing on dustbowl
Play Hunt: Showdown
Disgaea thread
Girl 1: homeless troubled orphan with big tits and short skirt who works in slums at trashy bar and hangs out with big...
Game has massive lore about politics, social issues, philosophy and shit like that and tries to make you think about it
Whats your preferred FOV setting in fps games?
Why does everyone hate this game now?
Early-mid 00's gaming culture
What was this
Oh no the economy
Unironically Acceptable Mobile Games
Has a game ever turned you into a fascist?
Why does this nigga have bandages on his sword?
Why is PC gaming so based?
Best videogame aesthetic
How is emulation? There are a couple of exclusives I never had the chance to play having never owned one
Sakura Wars
HEY, YOU! YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT, YOU! YOU RIGHT THERE!!! What's your favorite video game rodent?
Should Vish be banned from OU?
>you are taking the gym challenge
20% off
Now that the dust has settled, will r/pcmasterrace finally admit
What the fuck is this hazbin hotel tumblr shit that keeps getting shilled here?
Who's your favorite Animal Crossing character so far?
Isn't it amazing how retarded Steam and GOG are?
Ok the last thread went to shit so lets try this again
Favorite boating games?
Games that make you question everything? The ultimate eye openers?
About to start Skyrim for the first time, anyone have any tips for the early game...
Why are game studios closing for what basically amounts to as a panic over regular flu?
I'm only having fun when I'm winning
R.I.P. Sonic Boom 2014-2020
ITT: Zoomers ask boomers gaming related questions. (Part 2)
Nomura could learn a thing or two from this
Who's your favourite pokemon?
Comfy Xbox Series X Thread
Prepare the female bandicoot
Why didn't Mighty number 9 take off?
Why is he so weak?
This is what racist gamers look like
Default bind for map is 'M'
Imagine if it was a regular man sitting across from Mario
Xenoblade 2
Woah mama!
Here's your UI, bro
Holy shit this game aged horribly
You can not identify this game
I'm glad autistic spazzy incels get banned when they can't control themselves in an online game...
50min BG queues
Nintendo GIRLS thread
What game has the best menu sounds?
Black Vikings
Talk about it
Abnormality Battles
Can someone explain what the hell was up with this retarded Kingdom Hearts tier ending...
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine