Remember when you could chill in comfy forums...

Remember when you could chill in comfy forums, not be bombarded by furries and weebs and google questions about a game and find relevant information?

Attached: D3439E99-5332-4E2F-A76E-78666754F836.jpg (1000x563, 35.14K)

Other urls found in this thread:

forums were always cancer
like Skies of Crimson and Skies of Croda and gamefaqs full of faggots circlejerking each other as a 'community'

forums had their own downsides and weren't much better

Internet communities have always been fucking trash. Any website with usernames and profiles are always echo chambers with a few "celebrities" of said forum getting their dick stroked.

Discord is good it's just you don't have friends to talk with

Attached: MUHAHAHHAHAHA.png (500x490, 260.34K)

Only gay furries are good

passes the tranny test

Discord is at least a lot quicker and convenient. Both forums and Discord have cons but forums had much less noticeable but more dramatic cons.

>forum drama based on names
>"heirarchy" appearing
>discussions going on and on and on and on in circles
>penalization over not towing the line ala reddit
>less responsive

Forums had the exact same problem of high ego posters and drama.

>Anime picture
Like clockwork.