Remember when you could chill in comfy forums, not be bombarded by furries and weebs and google questions about a game and find relevant information?
Remember when you could chill in comfy forums...
Other urls found in this thread:
forums were always cancer
like Skies of Crimson and Skies of Croda and gamefaqs full of faggots circlejerking each other as a 'community'
forums had their own downsides and weren't much better
Internet communities have always been fucking trash. Any website with usernames and profiles are always echo chambers with a few "celebrities" of said forum getting their dick stroked.
Discord is good it's just you don't have friends to talk with
Only gay furries are good
passes the tranny test
Discord is at least a lot quicker and convenient. Both forums and Discord have cons but forums had much less noticeable but more dramatic cons.
>forum drama based on names
>"heirarchy" appearing
>discussions going on and on and on and on in circles
>penalization over not towing the line ala reddit
>less responsive
Forums had the exact same problem of high ego posters and drama.
>Anime picture
Like clockwork.