Remember when you could chill in comfy forums...

Remember when you could chill in comfy forums, not be bombarded by furries and weebs and google questions about a game and find relevant information?

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Other urls found in this thread:

forums were always cancer
like Skies of Crimson and Skies of Croda and gamefaqs full of faggots circlejerking each other as a 'community'

forums had their own downsides and weren't much better

Internet communities have always been fucking trash. Any website with usernames and profiles are always echo chambers with a few "celebrities" of said forum getting their dick stroked.

Discord is good it's just you don't have friends to talk with

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Only gay furries are good

passes the tranny test

Discord is at least a lot quicker and convenient. Both forums and Discord have cons but forums had much less noticeable but more dramatic cons.

>forum drama based on names
>"heirarchy" appearing
>discussions going on and on and on and on in circles
>penalization over not towing the line ala reddit
>less responsive

Forums had the exact same problem of high ego posters and drama.

>Anime picture
Like clockwork.

This, but unironically

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Discord is so much worse, it’s the worse of both worlds as a chat program and psudo-forum.

so Zig Forums


All that matters is getting your ego stroked, everything you do is to support that

Imagine being a discord nigger fucking lamo.

Imagine not using discord

>bombarded by furries and weebs
This shit happened on forums, user.

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Are you a pedophile or a dog fucker?

Pick your poison; forums had their drama too. At least Usenet had an academic population before the AOL days

>iphone filename
Please leave.

Not even slightly as much as it does on discord.
No forum I ever visited was two messsges away from an erp at any given time.

Stay mad you don't have friends


Yeah... I'm thinking Discord is pretty based

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anyone who actually experienced forums is thankful for discord. back then hosting a forum cost money so not everyone could do it, and it so happened that most admins were the most bitchy, powerhungy, unpleasant people i have ever witnessed. Most if not all forums were just a huge safespace with people sucking each others cocks. It was actually worse than reddit. This was also the reason why i stuck with Zig Forums. Discord is trash too but at least anyone can host so its way way less powerplays by permavirgins.

Bitter ass boomer.

Pic not related right? Because I get none of what you said on thr servers i'm on. The fuck is with the hate dowards discord anyway, who exactly got hurt by it and how

>Ask question in a forum
>Some nigger shows up to post offtopic shit
>He has over 50k posts so everyone plays along to stroke his e-dick
>Try to get your thread back on topic
>Get banned
Forums deserved to die


>Discord is so much worse

yeah, me neither

And I've been to forums where I've been sent invites to skypes dedicated to jerking it together out of the blue. Stop joining public servers and especially avoid anything associated with Zig Forums, just about everyone here is a furfag or tranny now anyway.

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I just don't know. I've been in a few discord servers but it's either been
>Dead quiet except for raid night, that's comfy though.
>That one guy's therapy server. For fuck sakes Bill just leave your fucking wife already stop bringing it up every day.
>That one girl's orbiting server, oh wow an ugly girl that plays video game oh yippie.
Any other servers that I'm missing?

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The last forum I participated in was a roleplay forum where we all made OCs with superpowers and fought each other.

i miss forums like you wouldn't believe. the drama was fucking retarded, the users were usually fuckwits, and the admins were either strict or nonexistent, but i miss the experience

>just about everyone here is a furfag or tranny now anyway
That's what the discord trannies want you to believe, in reality they are a loud minority

Discord is so fucking unorganized, I dont get how people use it.

This also means discussion sucks shit, since any retard 16 year old can run a server. Would much rather have insane admins than discord trannies and teenagers, who still have power issues.

>Discord is so fucking unorganized
how so?

>Any other servers that I'm missing?
Porn dump servers where everyone dumps danbooru's/Pixiv's front page and has that one autist who keeps flooding it with his own shitty artwork that everyone's too polite to tell to fuck off.

You are right that it's good for small friend groups me and the boys use it. But it is absolute fucking cancer for larger communities, no matter what kind of community you have it will be bombarded by E-girls, furries and faggots until all discussion has nothing to do with what the server was designed for. Not to mention moderator circle jerk is just as bad as it is on reddit if not worse.

>its another "friendless loser complains about discord while joining random servers" thread

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>That one server where everyday the residential teenager keeps talking about how much he hates his parents because he's a jobless neet.

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>Have IRL friends because Im not a NEET
>Make Discord server with them
>Operational for like 5 years, no drama, trannies, or furfags
Just make friends jesus christ stop joining public discords, most of them are /soc/ tier grooming sites.

>be friends with someone, they invite me into their discord server
>don't mesh with any of his friends at all
always seems to happen.

you servers are just as shit, faggot

don't join public servers.
problem solved.

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none of my IRL friends play the video games I play. if we wanna talk we'll talk on facebook messenger instead.

No. Forums have always been ran by power-crazy jackasses who use their perceived power over a three-digit population to validate their own opinions by banning anyone that disagrees with them. At least with discord like-minded groups of 10 to 20 people can gather at certain servers, and I can just run my own server for the 10 or so people I hang out with.

And don't forget the IRC for dummies features that lets me organize tranny raids on Zig Forums.

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>social circles

I don't get anything in return for posting on a forum or helping someone else except that I lose my valuable time, I'm not 20 any more.
Devs should pay for people with brains to work on their game and get q&a playtesters, it's not my fucking job to waste time writing up a report on whats good or bad in their game, so game forums are a no no as well.

Only forum I would post is the steam game forums since I already have an "account"(duh) and I can get some help with and issue I have

This.The largest server you should be in is for your small guild in an MMO or the like. 15 people max.

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I use mumble and steam, get fucked discord tranny.

I think our brains are too developed to not look and notice how it has a million problems, just like reddit or some similar shit does

go back

Imagine not being able to sit in a chat with someone because youre not doing the same activity, fucking pathetic