"I'm not your Mary"
*guitar with incredibly warbly filter plays in the distance*
"I'm not your Mary"
*guitar with incredibly warbly filter plays in the distance*
If it came out today Zig Forums would despise it FACTS
This game was wasted on my "what the fuck is happening, spell out the answers for me" adolescent self.
very true its a shit video game
Zig Forums only likes shit games
That would certainly explain all the smash threads.
Plenty of people here already dismiss it as a walking simulator.
That's only natural since Zig Forums isn't allowed to like games and if someone does then a wave of contrarians comes in and tells them they are wrong and nitpicks the shit out of the game, regardless of which game it is.
Virtually all of the dialog in that game is horribly voice acted.
But holy shit that one single line.
its intentionally lynchian esque