
This is why Aerith is so perfect, Zig Forums.

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OP is several kinds of wrong

>when you realize this thread has nothing to do with steak
clever, OP.


It's shill time!
Let's talk about characters no one really cares about and has already fapped to for over 20 years. Not to mention they already appeared in several titles.

Oh you trash.

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the steak is the colour of their vag

A 'well done' steak is anything, but not perfect

But then isn't medium one the most pleasant?

Im sorry persona isnt getting the attention it "deserves", user. The game will never be for everyone, it is kinda nerdy.


Well, you said it yourself

>11 posts
>9 IPs
>your post isn't a new IP and neither is the post after yours

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Funny you should mention steak, because FFVII Remake is something I’d call a “medium” game. It wasn’t rare, and it certainly wasn’t well done!

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I'll give you a (you), you cheeky bastard



Why am I wrong?

Tifa is meh so she befits something as meh as Medium Rare which is the kind of steak that lacks any good mouth feel cause it barely scratches the savory factor of a steak.

Jessie is the next best thing, the texture of the steak, the flavors and tinge of juiciness makes the package good but not as good as the best.

Kyrie? Lmfao, just all around unbaked/uncooked shit like Rare where it's all blood and just a waste of a good steak.

Aerith is a well rounded character, has a lot of good setup for potential sequels to the remake and she's clearly MVP amongst the girls in the story hence she is fitting of the "Well Done" steak.

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>waste of good steak
you're literally like the wojak in the meme

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Dont think I've ever had a medium rare that looked that rare.

Also, rare does not mean raw in the middle dumbass OP

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But Jessie is worst girl and Aerith is best girl. You got it exactly backwards.

I'm not disagreeing, hence why I put Well Done on Aerith cause she deserves the best.

Care to elaborate or are you know-it-all "steak experts" just gonna post wojack shit instead of making an elaborate argument? No? Didn't think so.

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most people who shit on rare haven't ever had it.
They always order medium rare because that's what they're supposed to do and assume anything more red is simply raw.

I've become completely obsessed with Kyrie

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medium-rare is what women eat user and only because they're told to.
Are you a woman that needs to be told what to do?

>Literal unfried meat isn't raw u guise

as long as there's no bacteria, the meat is good.
All you gain from cooking it further is more calories and less nutrients and worst yet, less flavor.
Medium-rare is like McDonalds kiddy shit.


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Do you Rarefags spew this nonsense when you eat uncooked shit? I bet you're all from New Jersey.

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found the woman.

Just another day in a waifu war without end...

>eating boot soles

>it's a "some faggot user makes a veiled 'steak doneness' thread in the guise of a vidya threat and Zig Forums eats through it episode"
>eating caveman food

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Where's my blue rare?
And what about balut?

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