Lets pretend its out already

lets pretend its out already

why did it flop?

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What do you mean? It was the best selling game of all times and uploaded a brain virus to all Zig Forumstards to make them transition into cute enby communist witches...

the use of "wholesome" celebrities is so obvious a gimmick that even r/eddit made memes out of it (which is probably what they were baiting for anyway)
TL;DR this game is a /reddit/ meme

>selling 50 million copies in the first week is a flop

i wish this were true OwO desu

wide as an ocean shallow as a puddle

it won't flop but it will create a controversy. There is a VERY simple formula to prevent this;

>Announce and release games in under a year
thats it.

Keanu viral marketing at the same time of them changing their game description to action adventure made me realize they had dropped all deeper mechanics and themes and opted for a sterilized GTA experience with celebrity cameos to appeal to the normalfag crowd, not the RPG or cyberpunk crowd that it was originally for. Shame.

Their media influencers started to make widespread anti-trump political ads in relation to the game, alienating the audience.

>Being that desperate for some game to flop
>Being desperate for something to fail to begin with
I know people being desperate for a game they like to succeed, but this is something I don't really understand. Is Anthem not big enough of a failure?

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