Game look awesome

>game look awesome
>but it's impossibly complicated and has terrible learning curve

Attached: cpp.png (512x341, 147.53K)

>he uses external libraries

It's called learning, idiot.

Attached: 1561481547163.png (664x520, 177.33K)

>.01% autist develops optimal strategies
>no chance of being smart enough to iterate on the strategies in any meaningful way
>follow flowchart or get stomped


yeah game making is too hard. Just stick to your day job


Goddamn just saved myself 10 years so I can go fuck bitches while you code a fucking cout statement lmao

I fail to see how this is relevant to OP's post.

C++ is often too complicated for those starting out in programming but once you know the fundamentals and theory you can easily get into it.

Attached: 1575230107101.png (1920x1080, 1.64M)

Is there a good book or guide?
I know programming stuff.