Nier Automata

>if you want the actual real true ending you have to replay the whole game a billion times and it won't be super boring doing the same shit over and over again!
So is this game literally just waifu fap bait?

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This, Arkham City & Bloodborne are the only good games from the last decade. Everything else is a horrible interactive on rails movie game or scripted illusionary open world game that it is actually completely on rails, and lifts mechanics from Assassins Creed or Batman Arkham

You have to replay the first 8-10 hours or so, with a new character and additional lore cutscenes, and then it's all original stuff from there, and then you get a chapter select to jump around in the story...
congrats, you got me to respond to a bait thread, I just want people to know that OP is full of shit

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OP you are literally 50 IQ

>OP is full of shit
>You have to replay...
Shill detected

>you have to replay the whole game a billion times

You have to reply 'the whole game' once (ending B). Ending C is an entirely new thing, and ending D you just replay the ending boss fight which takes 5 minutes

Japs are notorious for being coomers so of course most of what they produce is for coomers too.

Cry more tranny, go back to your scripted movie games if you don't like games that actually have more gameplay than cutscenes

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> Attractive women BAD
> Ugly Women good
You will never have sex you white-knighting virgin

Since I know OPs gonna manage to bait a few people into this thread that are fans of Automata, just for fun, what would you of done differently to Route B?
I know personally I didn't mind it, but I also knew about the later chapter select and knew there was more after Route B so I rushed through and didn't find it as frustrating as others, but given it is mostly just repeating content you *just* finished it is probably the weakest part of the game.

Personally? I'm not sure, couldn't cut it since in it's current form it builds up 9S' story afterwards and the reveal of the opening credits. Perhaps I would put a VCR rewind effect on Ending A after the credits, then VCR forward to the important moments for 9S, but I'm just going off the cuff there.

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