Reminder that their relationship was romantic.
Reminder that their relationship was romantic
Gabriel Morris
Joshua Davis
What makes you say that?
Jayden Roberts
built for BHD
Justin Russell
I don't know, to me it seems more protective. Shadow felt he owed Gerald Robotnik for creating him so he vowed to protect his family and when he failed, he became consumed with rage.
Xavier Butler
Her head fits in his eyeball
What the fuck is up with sonic autism and nonexistent art cohesion
Easton Foster
>that head shape
Alexander Jones
Shadow is technically Gerald Robotnik's son. Which means technically he and Eggman are related to Eggman.
Strange isn't it?
Levi Gonzalez
There's no way Sega would put pedobestiality in a Sonic game.
Benjamin James
Reminder that this is either Dr eggman's Cousin or Sister.
Nicholas Sanchez
>his eyeball
It's two eyeballs.