Reminder that their relationship was romantic.
Reminder that their relationship was romantic
What makes you say that?
built for BHD
I don't know, to me it seems more protective. Shadow felt he owed Gerald Robotnik for creating him so he vowed to protect his family and when he failed, he became consumed with rage.
Her head fits in his eyeball
What the fuck is up with sonic autism and nonexistent art cohesion
>that head shape
Shadow is technically Gerald Robotnik's son. Which means technically he and Eggman are related to Eggman.
Strange isn't it?
There's no way Sega would put pedobestiality in a Sonic game.
Reminder that this is either Dr eggman's Cousin or Sister.
>his eyeball
It's two eyeballs.
Her head still fits in one of them.
Alright, here's some autism.
SA2's plot, and their relationship, is based on a romantic shojo manga.
>"His feeling for a human girl named Maria was the closest he ever came to love." - Sonic '06 bio
>"He lost his dearest girl right in front of his eyes" - SA2 bio
And lastly, the real kicker...Shadow and Maria's creator, the writer of SA2 and many other Sonic games, is a HUGE shipfag. He retweets art of them getting married and shit. They're basically his OCs and he's all like "Shadria forever!" and scrolls through the ship tags. It's wholesome desu
Was it ever stated ?
Shadow is much further in the foreground than she is.
wdym lol
I know about that, I guess I didn't put much thought into the romantic side of it.
>Shadow and Maria's creator, the writer of SA2 and many other Sonic games, is a HUGE shipfag. He retweets art of them getting married and shit.
This I didn't know about. Interesting.
There was nothing to really imply it was romantic at all. Shadow first friend was Maria in his life, and a part of the reason for his existence: for Maria to have a friend.
Then of course, she get killed which inspires Shadow to kill everyone until he realizes that Maria would wanted everyone on earth to live. Hence "My promise for you, Maria."
It was simply a bond of friendship.
I always thought there was some vague romance between them. I never questioned it. Like, of course he's in love with her, what else would explain his extreme devotion to her?
But I think it's more in tune with a relationship a girl has with her dog. And not in the "white girls fuck dogs" way. As tempting as using that meme is, that's not the case. I mean like how girls can love their pets deeply and platonically. While the dogs see their master as something to hump and protect.
>And lastly, the real kicker...Shadow and Maria's creator, the writer of SA2 and many other Sonic games, is a HUGE shipfag. He retweets art of them getting married and shit. They're basically his OCs and he's all like "Shadria forever!" and scrolls through the ship tags.
Thank god he's not writing Sonic games anymore.
>hurr you liek blady nosehair xDDD
No, I just don't think this type of melodrama belongs in a Sonic game, thanks. I'm allowed to not like this style of Sonic plot and also not like Potanc and Graff. I'm glad that the majority of people agree with me too on this. If he ever came back we'd just get more plots like Sonic '06. You think you want him back, but you really, really don't.
And I also think it's amusing how if this guy was literally anyone else you'd all be shitting on him for his ship faggotry and inserting his OCs into a Sonic story (much like a certain someone else did) but because he wrote "muh SA2" it's suddenly "aw so wholesome uwu." I also like how he somehow gets a free pass for Sonic '06's story despite it being hot fucking garbage and ruining the series' reputation for two whole decades.
LOL, you don't go full genocidal incel because your "friend" was killed. You're taking things way too literal.
Shadow is sentient. He literally has an IQ of 200.
Doesn't matter. He sees her differently than she see him.
Gerald rewrote Shadow's memories and "implanted his own will for revenge" into him, following the ARK raid and their imprisonment.
Not saying they weren't more than friends, though.
I can believe he might've liked her romantically while she saw it platonically, but not that she sees him as a pet of some sorts. Maybe more like a brother, it's stated they were raised together.
>Gerald rewrote Shadow's memories and "implanted his own will for revenge" into him
I don't remember that detail. I though Shadow just had amnesia and his memories were mixed up.
Who comes up with this
Shadow should have stayed dead after Adventure 2, reviving him for popularity reasons alone has led to nothing good. If they had to make a Shadow game, they should've made it a prequel, set on the ARK.
There's a lot of Kill la Kill / Shadow fanart so only natural this would happen eventually
There was noyhing romantic between Maria and Shadow, you are just emotionally stunted and don't understand how deep a platonic love can be. That, or you're a cumdumb who sees incest in everything.
It's pretty obscure lore. You're not going to realize it unless you spend a lot of time looking into it.
Haven't heard this one before. It's been 2 decades, he's back forever and there's nothing (You) can do about it.
The analogy wasn't that literal. I was just using the woman/dog dynamic to illustrate an imbalanced relationship. I was trying to avoid calling shadow "friendzoned". Since that has such a sour taste these days. But that's essentially what I mean.