>game becomes easier in the western version
Game becomes easier in the western version
name 3
name 3.141592654 games
you just wanted to make a stealth ladybug thread
I want to FUCK Chat Noir!
>western release is significantly harder
Why is she so cute bros...
I will never be not upset that we didnt get the 2D version of this show
>Dresses in spandex
Where's the catch?
Fucking France. Every fucking time.
Working Designs made many of their localizations of RPG's way harder for some reason.
>dipshit the void
the original title is called Turgor, it's a russian game from Pathologic devs.
Kill yourself Zig Forumsmblr manchild, go shill shows for children somewhere else.
>eurasian girl
>desparately obsesses over white boy
How did they know?!
She is 15? legal in France
even better
>European Extreme too difficult for amerifats and nips
Go back to Zig Forums with your B-tier waifu
Imagine having standards this low
Based, thanks Petain
Funny how it was the complete opposite in Contra's case.
>name 3
Not OP but keep an eye out for these goalpost moving faggots
>start actually watching this show
>every single frame looks like it came from SFM porn with over the top sexual facial expressions
Based animators
They know their market
You haven't even seen the half of it.
France is based.
B-cup tier more like.
Marquis de Sade would be proud
So how do I get one of the original releases of DMC3?
I fucking hate how every single fight ends up on the Eiffel Tower
is this show actually any good?
Why wouldn't they end there?
Does France even have any other noteworthy landmarks?
It's the same ol villain of the week action show at it's core that you're probably used to. It's basically the 3D version of Totally Spies.
French here, we have one of those in every city, its like every city has a notre dame every city has an eifel tower
The one in Lyon is taller than the one in Paris but nobody cares
>3D version of Totally Spies.
why does that boy have a mouth gag?
for the same reason he is tied up and has a blindfold
so you can coom
It was a yoyo so the girls at the bottom could pull him around as a kite.
Holy shit that animation is terrible
Why don't you?
Yes. I don't know if I like it just because it isn't tumblr tier Calarts bullshit like 95%+ of western animation made today though.
>I showed you my ladybug please respond
Omaha beach
what about the opposite
smol cute girl in skintight bodysuits fighting crime with a smol cute trap. pretty much the citizen kane of tv
Russian is part of the West