Xenoblade Thread
Xenoblade Thread
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Less than a week to go.
Hello there. Has the shitposting died down?
>haha yeah, the other guys are the shitposters and I hope they leave
>oh haha here's an image I'm posting specifically to stir up shitposters tee hee I'm so funny
What causes a human being to be this much of a faggot? No, I don't care that they tied the words of the games together with that, so try not to get too excited about picking up your last argument where it left off.
>Collector edition won't arrive until 6/2.
Sorry about that, I was just going to post "Hello there" and only leave the image as a spoi at first l but I ended up writing more. The shitposting I was referring to was the Future Connected length.
anons I'm about to start up the game
what am I in for?
Quiet Moments explaining Tyrea in the ending:
I'm guessing the guy who uploaded the cutscenes didn't do these, since I feel like I've seen a bit of confusion about it.
One of a small handful of jrpgs from this decade that are actually fantastic.
speedframe fiora ass n titties pls!
Wait, so is Tyrea a party member ?
Hay anything form the time attack mode been leaked yet?
that one variation with the tummy showing is so cool
>confirmed worse than the 3ds version
Post pictures of Speedframe Fiora's lovely bosoms and buttocks, if you will.
Dude stop
Fuck off and die
She's not, though it kinda feels like it might have been planned at one point.
Let's settle this, lads
I shall not fuck off till I have me some speedframe fiora ass n titties and I shall not die before I have played the game myself. only two (You)s there btw
preorder cancelled, no new content no buy
Bros why is it so blurry. There's no way this should be acceptable in 2020.
Aw, that's a shame.
Bad VN
That's from the original but honestly DE might look the same in handheld.
No, it's not like that. They're one and the same girl. I think.
I'm talking about DE dipshit. It looks insanely blurry in handheld or docked.
keep samefagging mr worse than 3ds
Dosa anyone have an OST link with proper names? MP3 is fine.
Ah well that's a shame. Maybe Monolith should consider changing their engine. Maybe it's a good thing they didn't port X after all.
Maybe Nintendo's next console won't have a stupid fucking portability gimmick and they'll just make something that is moderately weaker than other consoles so that at least stylized graphics games run smoothly.
so blurr bbut muh grafix i shitpost reply to myself pretending to be different ppl hurr
They're using the XC2 engine for DE and it visually is as blurry as XC2. It's typical Japanese development where as long as it displays pixels on the screen to some degree then it's fine. It's really noticeable even on handheld and even worse again when docked. I think people are trying to remove the AA while docked on hacked switches which should improve it a bit.
speedframe fiora fag is unironically a better poster than 90% of the people in these threads in the last 24 hours
>where as long as it displays pixels on the screen to some degree then it's fine.
Funny you say that, because they're discussing performance in the jp thread right now and someone said exactly that.
90% of posts, but not 90% of posters. But the tiny fraction responsible for the bottom 90% of posts isn't here right now.
Haven't used my switch in a while, i start it up and the left analog is drifting like crazy when before was just a slight tilt
Are these just rigged to explode at some point
Now i have to drop 50 bucks on top of the game to play XEDE
Anyone noticed if Melia's passive elemental buffs stack? Apparently they used to in the original, I never used her much, but here I am not noticing a difference in 2 physical protect elementals.
They talk about things other than touhou, idols and not being able to speak Japanese on /jp/? I dunno this shit is just super disappointing to me because I like the artstyle but then it's ruined by sub 720p resolution then on top of it they've got a really shit AA applied ontop of it. Japanese developers went from the forefront of games technology to massively lagging behind in various aspects.
They made zero changes to the battle gameplay, so yes, it should still stack.