Xenoblade Thread

Haven't used my switch in a while, i start it up and the left analog is drifting like crazy when before was just a slight tilt
Are these just rigged to explode at some point
Now i have to drop 50 bucks on top of the game to play XEDE

Attached: 1573927784084.png (410x437, 328.29K)

Anyone noticed if Melia's passive elemental buffs stack? Apparently they used to in the original, I never used her much, but here I am not noticing a difference in 2 physical protect elementals.

They talk about things other than touhou, idols and not being able to speak Japanese on /jp/? I dunno this shit is just super disappointing to me because I like the artstyle but then it's ruined by sub 720p resolution then on top of it they've got a really shit AA applied ontop of it. Japanese developers went from the forefront of games technology to massively lagging behind in various aspects.

They made zero changes to the battle gameplay, so yes, it should still stack.