What game did YOU play today, user?
What game did YOU play today, user?
Jayden Diaz
Benjamin Wright
I played Tetris on my phone lol
Eli Bennett
mafia 2 (its like GTA but not fun and cars handle like dogshit)
Dylan Phillips
Stupid rat
I played redout, helltaker and tekken
Anthony Bailey
I played Stepmania. I got one of these polish pads recently and I've been beating the shit out of it.
Dylan Reed
Did my dailies in Animal Crossing earlier.
Will try to finish up Wonderful 101 later today.
Henry Long
Nothing yet. Gonna play xenoblade de after work
Oliver Moore
Deus Ex: GOTY edition.
Kayden Turner
A bit of Surge 2, and I was about to do more Unity tutorials if that counts.
Hunter Baker
Dark SOuls 3.... Over.... ANd over again....