What game did YOU play today, user?

What game did YOU play today, user?

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I played Tetris on my phone lol

mafia 2 (its like GTA but not fun and cars handle like dogshit)

Stupid rat
I played redout, helltaker and tekken

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I played Stepmania. I got one of these polish pads recently and I've been beating the shit out of it.

Attached: 20200514_160856.jpg (4032x2268, 3.01M)

Did my dailies in Animal Crossing earlier.
Will try to finish up Wonderful 101 later today.

Attached: w101.png (542x277, 188.67K)

Nothing yet. Gonna play xenoblade de after work

Deus Ex: GOTY edition.

A bit of Surge 2, and I was about to do more Unity tutorials if that counts.

Dark SOuls 3.... Over.... ANd over again....