What game did YOU play today, user?

What game did YOU play today, user?

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I played Tetris on my phone lol

mafia 2 (its like GTA but not fun and cars handle like dogshit)

Stupid rat
I played redout, helltaker and tekken

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I played Stepmania. I got one of these polish pads recently and I've been beating the shit out of it.

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Did my dailies in Animal Crossing earlier.
Will try to finish up Wonderful 101 later today.

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Nothing yet. Gonna play xenoblade de after work

Deus Ex: GOTY edition.

A bit of Surge 2, and I was about to do more Unity tutorials if that counts.

Dark SOuls 3.... Over.... ANd over again....

Bayonetta and Dragon Marked for Death.

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I finally beat the Guardian Ape in Sekiro, killed the next mini boss, and then there was another Guardian Ape. I fucking hate this game.

Metal Gear Rising. I finally got my S rank on Monsoon at 1 in the morning.

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Wow cool a time traveler

retard and also a nigger

Was playing dark souls, got to Gwyn one hit away from killing him and I fucking jobbed.

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Soul Hackers

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lmaoing @ ur life
you can do it, user!

Nigga the NSP and XCI files aren’t already out there lmao.

>What game did YOU play today, user?

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red dead 2, ARK, mtg arena

Ori and the blind forest (enjoying it so far)

And Streets of Rage 4. Managed to unlock all the extra characters

Dark Souls 2. getting a bit irritated because i've defeated pursuer and the giant and i still don't know where the fucking next area is. also wish i had a new game to play that was fun and not a chore to learn

Beat pic related, going to do hardcore difficulty next

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Very nice



Mario 64

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DmC: Devil May Cry

Fate/Grand Order
Animal Crossing New Horizons
Disgaea 4 Complete+

Titanfall 2, the smoothest fps i've ever played in my entire life
>but quake 2
Im a zoomer, i never played it

Animal Crossing. Then studied for my certification some. Probably going to play some levels in Mario Maker 2 soon.

Underrated game.
I get why people don't like it, but it's a cool game.

slap fight

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Jesus Christ dude, play PS2 Shinobi or Shock Troopers or Actraiser or Osman or Etrian Odyssey Untold or Super Return of Jedi or Astro Boy Omega Factor or anything that is actually fun, people who stand by DS2 are just battered housewives.