Hows your game going Zig Forums?

Hows your game going Zig Forums?

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I haven't done shit for 2 months now FUCK

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Been making a lot of progress on my Dead by Daylight 2D(MAKE)

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he's been doing alright, could be better as he says. i try to be there for him and i think it makes him a bit happier. wish he'll be going well in no time

Started making a module for a deck of cards for my TCG RPG game. I'll start learning how to use Unity or Any game engine that allows me to make 2D games

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I made a window.
It looks like shit.
That is all.

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I spent all day doing Unity tutorials. The beginner ones have taught me a lot about Unity, but not much about making things from scratch yet. I'm going to focus on more coding based tutorials tomorrow.

I gave up because I'll never be an artist or find a reliable one

Currently learning C++ so I can make my own little engine for learning purposes, coming from a mostly Python and JS background I honeslty thought it was going to be much harder but it's a very cute language to be honest. Too bad it has been overrun by tr*nnies but what are you gonna do about it.

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Why not make the selling point of your game that it has tons of different art from different artists?

Nearing the end of a little GMS2 game, gonna get into Unity after its done

Self published indie games should revolve around the gameplay yet 9/10 times people start rpg maker games talking about story and bitching about not being able to draw

Btw any tips on making both an RPG and a TCG game? I have been working on the card game itselves on my free time for well over a year, but I can't picture how to program things like card abilities or response timing

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I am not sure how I would do that. Besides everything would look out of place from each other.

>you can still see the killer's sprite outside the fov

what's the point

Have you played this game? It might give you an idea.

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Should I make it invisible outside the FOV? I thought it would be neat to just darken it.

Trying to work in working on the game with working full time. Translating the ideas into a visual format is the hardest for me, I'm a piss-poor artist, however I can see what I want to make in my head.

Darken it and maybe blur it. It allows skilled players to perceive slight movements and react accordingly while still making it impossible to see the entire map.

I assumed that's what it was there for, if you have the heartbeat audio radius (assuming you're doing that too) larger than the visual radius it could make for some really interesting moments of tension because you won't know which direction he will be approaching from

I had a halloween themed basketball game in GMS using spine a couple years back. When AI Dungeon 2 came out I did a bunch of fuckery to my PC and some how corrupted the drive. I figured "ah fuck it. I'll just reformat. I always backup my work on external drives." Got my PC back up and went to work on it only to discover it was gone forever. Building up the strength to start it again. If I wanna have it done for Halloween I need to start now.

added a kill count
for some reason the players have about half a second input lag and i have no idea why.
and whats more strange is that playing through the editor does not have input lag, only when playing off a build

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I like that idea.

if you have the heartbeat audio radius (assuming you're doing that too) larger than the visual radius it could make for some really interesting moments of tension because you won't know which direction he will be approaching from

Wasn't planning on doing that but I am now!

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It's a bitch to make webms from OBS but things are going smoothly. I was not at all satisfied with the enemy behavior (Only blaming myself, I designed their behavior) so I scrapped them and had them completely redone, now I like them a lot. We implemented the last of the particle effects today and we're basically just waiting on a few sound effects. I'm so nervous, people playing it always seemed so far off but now the demo is basically ready.

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I've posted the enemies here before, but this is the crab. He pinches you, and you need to break his shell either by throwing something at it or by rushing into it with the stream pack item.

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Why is the camera doing circles around the character?

Why is creating things so hard? I just want to make a porn game.

The player controls the items with the right analog stick, l so the camera is controlled by the left and right bumpers, you may remember this control scheme from games like Spyro the Dragon and Super Mario 64 DS. While we do plan on making it a little more dynamic in the full game, the demo will only allow the player to move it in circles, or snap it behind Coraline's back during quick adjustments.

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We develop games not because it is easy but because it is hard.

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Holy shit is that real?

What's the best programming language for coding a game engine? I'm too poor for Unity and RPG maker would be too lazy.

C++ and I hope you're ready to spend years making it before giving up

>Too poor for unity

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>I'm too poor for Unity
wait what