Buy a game's follow up expecting more of the same

>Buy a game's follow up expecting more of the same
>It blows it out of the fucking water

What are some other examples of this, Zig Forums?

Randy is best south park character.

Attached: South-Park-The-Fractured-But-Whole.jpg (1523x1935, 416K)

Oh fuck is this a safe game to praise on Zig Forums without getting shit on? Because I really like it.

Call Girl is OP


Based, but I like pic related more

Attached: ChEP9PpUkAAMwwG.jpg (1200x675, 90.78K)

I bought that new for xbone for $5 and it came with a digital version of stick of truth. What am I in for? I only like dumber down rpgs like costume quest

I picked it up on a whim when it was on sale and I'm floored at how much better it is than Stick of Truth.

Customization is way more in depth, and combat actually feels really good. I fucked up my class combo, but I know you can respec so it's fine.

I just wish that the fucking text wasn't so little. IT seems like it was a problem across the board.

Also a very good choice desu. I love his little minions spread out all over town.

Stick of Truth is a pretty by the book RPG style game, but it's not bad or anything. Fractured's combat takes place on a grid, and you often get to pick your hero squad before going into battle, minus a few cases that I've seen so far.

It has a lot of depth, from things like status ailments/DoTs, to proper positioning and usage of the push/pull mechanics of some moves, it can get really interesting.

I was pretty disappointed. The story and environment just didn't work right. Also much too linear compared to SoT.

You also gotta hand it to Trey and Matt, who were really creatively involved in this title. They're also fans of the strategy and RPG, which is why it feels so authentic. The graphics are 1:1, voiced in full, strong creative voices, unapologeticlly anti-PC (like usual)--it's like a 20-25 hour episode of South Park.

>too linear

See, I felt like SoT was more that than this has been to me so far.

They did such a good job overall with it. It's just got so much charm and reminds me of what I like about South Park and how they stick to their guns.

>difficulty selection changes your characters skin tone

>devs try really hard to nerf status effects
>they're still required for every boss battle

also I found that you becoming support makes everything more easier, I beat Freeman and his challenge version very fast

agree with that, too many fart jokes and too litle identity compared to SOT

I hated the grid system

Were they that much of a problem?

I feel like they've been a nice layer to dealing damage so far.

It definitely takes a little getting used to, but I can see why it's polarizing. It's an odd approach. It would have benefitted from an XCOM or Fire Emblem style indication of who you'd draw aggro from if you moved to certain spots.

Lost Kingdoms 2. I don’t know how many people actually played the games, but the second one is such a drastic improvement over the original that it makes it almost impossible to go back to the original. More cards, more types, better gameplay overall

Is this a pure shitposting thread? Is it baiting for baiting's sake?

>Replies discussing game

how's that bait?

>You becoming support
Interesting. Might try that approach. See what's up. I always just double dipped the spike plant attacks that hit everyone, caused knockback and made them bleed. Pretty much overpowered but against Morgan it's not the right game plan.

Get to the ending and say that OP. Starts off great but god damn the ending sucks

SoT had the same problem too, honestly.

Started strong and then got kind of dumb.

>Blows it out of the water
Except for exploration.
And having to watch all those call-a-friend animations that go on forever
And the fact that combat took approximately 4x longer than it had any right to because of the insanely slow animations
And the fact that the story was no where near as good as the original story

But I guess if you don't count the gameplay or the story or the controls then I suppose it blows it out of the water. Visually it's practically the same though, cause it's the South Park style. Sound is roughly the same. So what exactly was it that was blown out of the water?

Status effects ironically get even stronger as you go to higher difficulties, because most other damage you do gets reduced but stuff like status and knockback damage don't. Also the only thing that affects your status damage is your level, meaning you can run DNA jacking your health through the roof but dumping damage stats with no downside.

Still nowhere near as busted as Stick though, where a thrown weapon could inflict like 3 statuses per hit and then your followup melee would deal 20k damage due to the multipliers for hitting something with a status.

Been meaning to get around and playing these gotta wait for another sale though. I like Princess Kenny the best and Mysterion.

It's funny you mention visuals cause I remember this game not being able to play on my laptop.

How can this game that looks like a Powerpoint presentation not run properly?

Was the canada DLC really cancelled?

It was incredibly resource intensive despite the look. Not the case with SOT.

If they make a third game, what should it be like?

I stopped because the facebook parody shit got annoying quickly. I deleted facebook for a reason. was it even required in this game because I forget?

Detectives, FBI and Mobs

Full Sci-Fi where you go into the future like those episodes where Cartman freezes himself because of the Wii.

First game was high fantasy.
Second game was contemporary super heroes.
Third game should be cyberpunk/futurepunk/sci-fi.

it's already being made. hopefully they announce it at the ubisoft event.

The hype waiting for the game expecting it to blow SOT out of the water may have killed it for me. It was good overall, the battle changes were good, but something about it just felt more like an Ubisoft game. I'm not even using that in a derogatory way, things like the collectables being references but they just turn into a point system and repeat themselves.

>it's already being made

Do you even have a single fact to back that up