Nostalgia is indeed one hell of a powerful drug. And upon replaying it, I realize I remembered everything through pink tinted glasses.
Gaur Plains is definitely not as big as I remember, or rather, it's big but also pretty empty, and it's severely lacking in verticality. The next two games definitely packed up their areas better (though, as for XCX, it's a different philosophy altogether). Also applies for the other areas, they're either not that big, or so empty they might as well have reduced their size by 1/2 (Eryth Sea and Alcamoth). Though, the scale of evolving over the two giant titans is definitely there, and it's as good as I remember.
Battle system is also a bit worse than I remember. It gets it's job done, but that's it, nothing more. It doesn't feel fun to play, it doesn't make me feel "fuck yeah, TIME TO BATTLE", even after switching to other characters.
Story takes a whole fucking while to pick up. There's the Fiora thing 3h in, but then, you just end up going through your obligatory-jrpg-themed-biome-area until there's finally a bit of world building when you reach Alcamoth.
And apart from Shulk and Melia, characters are just flat out boring, there are interesting bits here and there, but it could've been so much more, especially as Fiora feels a bit wasted, her relationship with Meyneth could've made her extremely interesting, and would've even been an excuse to give her new gameplay elements in combat, but it didn't go anywhere.
Nostalgia is incredibly powerful indeed. Still would recommend for new players though, it's a good game nonetheless.
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