Why is this game so overated?

Why is this game so overated?

>Generic uninteresting story and characters
>Extremely poorly designed auto play battle system that doesn't even let you control side characters
>Boring side quests that are non stop fetch and kill random monster mmo tier quests
>Uninteresting world
>Looks like shit

So why is it so overrated even older games like Xenogears and Final Fantasy 12 do the ideas in this game much better.

Attached: xenoblade-chronicles-definitive-edition-cover.cover_large.jpg (600x986, 214.72K)

>uninteresting game
>FF12 anything other than an utter failure
try again tomorrow, remove these two aspects and you'll have a more successful thread

>seconds since Zig Forums last cried about xenoblade

Cant handle the truth faggot?

This game is fucking trash

>Generic uninteresting story

Post at least 5 games with a similar story if it's so generic.

Every jrpg ever


pathetic OP, follow what I said here . This is embarrassing

>amazing world
>amazing soundtrack
>incredibly simple gameplay
>great opening few hours
It has SOME merits, but yeah... It's a relatively middling video game. Try the sequel which has the best gameplay of all time. FF12 is a dry, insulting turd in comparison.

Nostalgia is indeed one hell of a powerful drug. And upon replaying it, I realize I remembered everything through pink tinted glasses.

Gaur Plains is definitely not as big as I remember, or rather, it's big but also pretty empty, and it's severely lacking in verticality. The next two games definitely packed up their areas better (though, as for XCX, it's a different philosophy altogether). Also applies for the other areas, they're either not that big, or so empty they might as well have reduced their size by 1/2 (Eryth Sea and Alcamoth). Though, the scale of evolving over the two giant titans is definitely there, and it's as good as I remember.

Battle system is also a bit worse than I remember. It gets it's job done, but that's it, nothing more. It doesn't feel fun to play, it doesn't make me feel "fuck yeah, TIME TO BATTLE", even after switching to other characters.

Story takes a whole fucking while to pick up. There's the Fiora thing 3h in, but then, you just end up going through your obligatory-jrpg-themed-biome-area until there's finally a bit of world building when you reach Alcamoth.

And apart from Shulk and Melia, characters are just flat out boring, there are interesting bits here and there, but it could've been so much more, especially as Fiora feels a bit wasted, her relationship with Meyneth could've made her extremely interesting, and would've even been an excuse to give her new gameplay elements in combat, but it didn't go anywhere.

Nostalgia is incredibly powerful indeed. Still would recommend for new players though, it's a good game nonetheless.

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The biggest problem of this game is that there's just no content. Its corridors are indeed very wide, but there's nothing but monsters and useless collectibles for the encyclopedia. Couple that with probably the worst quest system in the genre and you have a game that's mediocre at best. Don't even get me started on painfully low movement speed that you cannot raise until pretty far into the game and the fact that the game cockblocks you from what little exploration it has with its retarded level scaling system.

Is it that hard to name specific games?

Name every JRPG ever

I dont get the appeal either
it looks like the most boring jrpg ever made
and the monado is some super nerd shit

there's only a few neat songs, but thats it


Chad tier critism

XC1's leveling system is fucking retarded

>Hit rate level modifiers
>Lv -10 or less -200
>Lv -9 -180 -99
>Lv -8 -160 -88
>Lv -7 -140 -77
>Lv -6 -120 -66
>Lv -5 -40 -32
>Lv -4 -32 -24
>Lv -3 -24 -18
>Lv -2 0 0
>Lv -1 0 0
>Lv 0 0 0

>That huge as fuck gap between Lv 5 and 6
What the FUCK where they thinking.

Exploration is shit just because of that. And no levels of gems tinkering changes that, it just displaces the problem. People shit on XC2's exploration supposedly being hampered by Field Skills, but I never had any problems with them, as most often than not, it's just to open chests or dig up items/chests. Not so many areas are locked behind field skills, and even when they are, just tank up 6 common Dark Blades and just remove that portal, that's it. And at least I could battle UMs without being too much unfairly disadvantaged when I'm at a lower level than them.

>gem crafting

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The world is shit and I don't know why it gets so much praise. You can't interact with it in any meaningful way, there's nothing to really find, even flora and fauna is reduced to floating blue balls that give you a random piece of text that only has purpose in a handful of quests. The layout isn't even particularly interesting, just big fields full of nothing with one way in and out. They're the same as the FFXIII hallways just supersized.


I have no idea why this game is so praised. Is it a Wii thing?

Everyone agrees Xenoblade 1 is shit 2 is where the series gets good

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2 is even worse because of the gachashit


Attached: Pepe cigar seat.png (1000x999, 572.8K)

I'm sad they didn't implement much needed QoL from XC2. Enemy items drops should just be like in XC2, why do I have to open a chest, looting is far more satisfying in XC2, and it doesn't make me waste a button press, which is basic UI/flow design. Tombstones are also missing. And I wish the minimap would disappear automatically when you enter battle mode, who the fuck thought a map is useful information in battles? Expert mode is fine, but I would've preferred XC2's Inns implementation. Just let me level through regular battles, and let me use that bonus Quests XP if I want to. Expert mode is an all or nothing deal. Though it does have the merit of existing.

>>Hit rate level modifiers
Did they maintain this in DE?


I want to understand how anyone can find Xenoblade games fun and my only conclusion is that most people's expectations don't grow and will still enjoy games inferior to ones they have played before. Even ones from the same series.

I mean how can you play Xenogears, Xenosaga trilogy, games where you actually get to pilot mechs and go into space then play downgrades like Xenoblade and think yeah... this is great?

Cause Nintendo

Ff12 unironically does do exploration and combat way better though

>get Xenoblade X
>completely ruined by how cumbersome it is
>try at Xenoblade 2
>unpolished turd
I just don't get what people see in these games

>Horrible story
>Simplistic combat
>Shit exploration

This game is horrible if it was a Final Fantasy you guys would insult it non stop you only like it cause Xeno brand name

I see you watch yongyea too, I also hate EA and microtransactions