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Video Games
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Video Games #5104
Video Games
What are your top three first person shooters, Zig Forums?
Dump or show off your fav RDR2 pics
Video game rail roads you into committing atrocities
Is this the ultimate Zelda tier list?
PC gamers have any purchasing regrets?
ITT good female characters
We can all agree on this right?
Has he been replace I need a new Zig Forumsigger in my life
Still playing games past age 20
What's your favorite roguelike game?
Based modders giving us the Super Mario 64 remaster we deserve
She cooked millions
The Silver Case
One flaw, ONE fucking flaw
When you remember THAT part of a game
I hate Bug Fables. Hate hate hate hate hate this game. Hate it...
Name a good game that existed before the NES
"Will you buy The Last of Us 2, user?"
You still playing my game user, right?
Which video game franchise is that?
Weaponfu thread
Is it even possible to make good looking fallout 4 female characters without mods?
The rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it
Is this the most progressive game ever made?
PS4 drop when
Be honest, how long did it take for you to figure out what do to?
Nice water for a 2013 game
Make it vidya
If you can show me a worse weapon in video games than this you may just find some tendies under your pillow tomorrow...
Is this the T2: Judgement Day of vidya?
Is speedrunning the most autistic thing you can do when playing video games or is there something even more autistic...
Party Van
In honour of pride month, post your favorite MALE character!
This game is really fucking boring
Why was this game such a huge flop? Is FF9 really THAT horrible of a game?
He thinks he knows shit about Souls lore when he hasn't even read the 500 page two volume set of research papers on it
So is Rin a guy? I heard she’s a alien that happens to have a penis
Here's a template, have fun
CRPG thread. What CRPG are you playing, user?
Make all battles be 3v3 instead of 1v1
This is Tristana, she is your new teammate
COD Zombies
If you like these games then you have no taste
Sony CEO: Playstation 5 games showcase will be as exciting as an E3 Presentation or Nintendo Direct
This game is better than Prime 1 and the only game that comes close to Super Metroid
Ninjala Thread
Who would you main?
Star Citizen
Demons Souls remake
File name thread
Name a more attractive female character in western vidya
I am stuck in a loop. Help me
Majora's Mask is a piece of shit
How does this shit even exist bros
How is this piece of shit considered one of the best cods ever made...
Zig Forums plays Pokemon Clover
ITT:post a plushie of your favorite vidya character
What's your build going to be and your focus? And how do you think Street Cred is going to work...
The eternal debate
When did multiplayer games become jobs?
Post vidya butts
Game has a morality system
Why aren't you playing the Halo 2 on PC?
As of June 2020, there are 3 unnamed, unreleased DLCs/FLCs in the Steam database for Total War: Warhammer II...
Home keys are better than WASD
4 > 5 > 3
It's alice margatroid, from the touhou project...
Why hate GMDX?
I bet you tasteless faggots didn't play this kino
June 4th
What level of speech skill do I need to defeat him?
Game is shit according to v
ITT: Unpopular opinions
So where do they go from here?
Why vidya has abandoned the split screen function...
ITT post video game characters who are BUILT for black cock
Why aren't there any big Indian game studios?
Brain is hurt
How did they get away with this?
Reply to this thread with only xenoblade quotes
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Is this really the death of PC gaming?
Fact: Acting Lessons and Being a DIK have better writing than most AAA games
Can we have a beast race thread?
DuckTales is fucking garbage
Whatever happens on June 4th, just remember this. Fuck Crash, fuck Rayman, fuck, Spyro, fuck Sonic...
I've been conducting some research into the internal plexus of the castle in Mario 64...
Pride month 2020 is almost here! What do you expect to see in the world of vidya?
When was the last time you played a Silent Hill game
What went wrong, Zig Forums?
Animal Crossing sold 11 Million in 11 days, nearing 15 million lifetime
Apparently they're revealing a new IP on Thursday. What do you want?
Monster Train
Terraria 1.4
Why hasn't Sony canceled their PS5 event yet in light of current evens?
Which is the best power armor, and why is it T-51?
Creates an entirely new language
Literally the worst fucking console ever made
Sonybros... I guess in the end we really were $onyggers
May 2020
Anyone have an elite controller series 2...
Hunts giant dinosaurs riding even bigger dinosaurs
Gmod animation
Who hyped for the left 4 dead revival?
2000's racing games will never come back
Hatsune Miku
This plague. The rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it
I'm glad that EA was able to keep the license for another 5 years
The best tropes
Which game was more prophetic?
Continuing my Oracle of Seasons adventure. Right now we must go to Queen Ambi's castle and attempt to rescue Nayru...
RPGs that allow you to spec into handguns as main weapons?
What could make a better harem than sharply dressed demon girls?
With how much people compare toxic autstic sportfags to toxic autistic vidyafags...
Mukuro ikusaba, the 16th student lying hidden somewhere in this school. the one they call the ultimate despair...
CRT Thread
Zoomer Nostalgia
What are the best mods for Final Fantasy X/X-2?
I thought they were going with an ugly Ellie in order to look more like the voice actress or subvert expectations...
I think i'm getting filtered...
Do you guys ever feel like video games are a tremendous waste of time and that you could be using that time on...
I am the Sekiro lore sage. Ask me your Bloodborne lore questions
Matsuno made the best tactical RPG ever made. How do firecucks feel knowing that their series is shit in comparison?
Better taste than Zig Forums
How do you respond without sounding mad?
Square Enix “Pleased” With Final Fantasy VII Remake Sales
Why is Persona 3 considered the best Persona game?
Is this character Fallout's biggest pleb filter?
Edelchads get the fuck in here
Its another episode of asocial retards refuse to communicate and if you tell them to what to do they get passive...
*betrays you*
What do you want to see in XCOM 3? I'd like actual interactivity with the scenario...
Tfw Capcom are about to "Druckmann" their characters in Resident Evil 8
Shantae Thread
A game that can barely run at 20-30 fps is literally the greatest game of this generation
Is it worth to start playing Dota 2 in 2020?
Final boss in a jrpg is an angel or has angelic divine powers
Will we ever get a good HxH video game?
How faithful is this remake?
I used to hate Skyrim with a passion since release because all the dumb normies would obsess over it and make me cringe...
It's going to be good
What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this image?
Sonic thread
Why are there so many threads bashing Ocarina of Time recently...
To be fair, Gen 5 music is actually pretty good
It's time to play some god damn WORMS, bitch
Zig Forums says Overwatch is dead
Dragon Quest vs Final Fantasy
/ntg/ - Nibellion Twitter General
Squilliam collage
Is there any game that most of Zig Forums actually likes?
What would you do if you woke up next morning as Toby Fox?
Literally impossible
Would you return a collector's edition you bought brand new if it came without any packaging at all and the nice...
What was the last game you genuinely enjoyed?
May 31st, 2020...I am forgotten
Hahaha, heres the problem
VA clearly says H-I-K-A-R-I
What games give the best feeling of adventure?
Admit it, you're jealous as hell
Post some good villain characters
Game forces you to stay inside your base because the enemy mobs outside are too strong
Xbox Series X
It's very simple - i pirate AAA games because they cost too much and many times it's not even worth it...
Tfw too shy for pvp
What games do ghosts play?
Which one are you?
Artificial Difficulty: The Game
Come draw vidya on this fine sunday
Any good games with this aesthetic?
Does Zig Forums like Conan Exiles?
Do you have supportive parents, Zig Forums?
Make a Marvel vs. Capcom 4 roster one character at a time
What is your favorite game that features dynamic gameplay/emergent narrative?
What games does Zig Forums speedrun?
I don't play a lot of shooters...
Here's your spyro remaster, bro
Gothic thread
Yesterday, JC Denton and his team of carpenters was unable to reach Oregon
How come no one ever talks about mario on the 3ds ?
Free Arthur Morgan Impressions
Daily Paper Mario Thread
What did riot games mean by this?
SMT Thread
Get drunk
The eternal debate
Are there actually people who have played Saints Row 2 who prefer bimbo Shaundi over stoner Shaundi?
What does Zig Forums think of my 3x3?
Riot Reveals New Valorant Agent, Reyna
Ummm, WTF? This isn't cool. FF7 is not supposed to be a fucking horror game
She's filtering me hard and caused me to lose aleph equipment. lobcorp/ruina thread
The Halo games kind of suck on Legendary
Hey, come over here user. We're talking about video games
Virtually the same specs
What are the best games for this badboy?
Dont have to watch soulless E3 presentations trying to appeal to the broadest demographic possible this year
How would you feel if open world games like Skyrim populated their cities with a few generic, non-important NPCs...
SEGA Rumoured to be selling a new console this year
Pathfinder: kingmaker
The only thing i have to look forward this year is elden ring gameplay announcement
Creates the perfect GTA game
Is Senran Kagura 7EVEN officially dead?
Is Japan saving vidya?
Games for this feel
God damn she's HOT
Sonic was never good
Post your Minecraft house
What's your SFV main, Zig Forums?
Sound thread
Why aren't you playing VRChat?
The PC Keyboard and mouse: The best control scheme
Be an idort. The life of an idort is a fun one
Does this thing have ANY games besides shitty arcade ports and sanic?
Do you even care about Cyberpunk anymore Zig Forums?
Killed the Hippocamp easily, couldn't finish off a medium sized dragon monster without the help of a kid and a structure
Lighting Quality: Ultra
It is time to show your piloting skills user
Why is it so easy?
Nintendo doesn't care about F-Zero
Hey Zig Forums...
Any hints for this puzzle? Oracle of Ages, level 5...
60hz no vsync, 200-300 FPS
Jeff Grubb: "I haven't heard the exact same praise for Series X [than PS5 has had]"
Post your idle animation
Actual Wonderful 101 Thread
Oh, that reminds me!
He's...he's not wrong
GOG is having a massive sale atm and wanted to ask Zig Forums, what are the essential classic or older PC games to buy...
I can't believe it
Are you happy for them, Zig Forums?
Play Fighting Games
What game made you learn the superior claw grip?
What games have the best tomboys?
Fire Emblem
Seriously? WTF?
I'm all for gender equality and all that. But I still think it's too edgy killing female combatants in a video game...
Nice 'meme' retards. Even Bowsette lasted longer
It's the last day of the month, did you get legend?
One of these threads
Ready for another Animal Crossing turnip ride, user?
Elden Ring
How true is it?
Here is your ray-tracing, it will only cost you 60% of your fps
Here's your boss bro
Next week we are getting a new Nintendo Direct
RE2 is one of the best horror games ever made
Rageaholic rips FFVIIR a new one
Post comfy vidya images
I have been following all of this Mario 64 shit for a couple days now and jesus christ I've fallen in love with this...
What's your excuse for not playing Overwatch right now?
What is the last game that brought pure unadultered fun to you?
Xbawks Series Sex BTFO the fuck out
Is there ANYTHING to play on this thing other than mario?
Webm thread
Was it kino?
Why aren't you playing a JRPG this weekend?
Games you played at the lowest point in your depression
How did this get past Square's ethics department?
Holy fuck, has there ever been a more perfect woman in vidya?
Who's in?
Complain about the death of AA games and the decline of AAA games
What would you like to get added in the 7th Jackbox party pack?
It's actually amazing at how quickly this game died. Did Smash 4 last longer?
Which degenerate yiff race did you vote for?
Good moOOOOOOORNING Zig Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Crash (yes...
Can we have a thread of controllers with Soul?
Remnants can't find Jenova on their own
Tifa: homeless orphan with big tiddies who wears short skirt...
Good bye
Dude just move boxes from A to B lmao
Make 3D action game
What are you expecting?
Dragoons are a fucking meme
Is there any hope?
Thoughts on him?
Fail at thing in game more than twice
Aim down sights
Not even 10 minutes in and I can feel this game is already kino
Name a worse video game
Why'd he do it bros?
I will continue to support bug fables until somebody provides definite proof that the devs actually fucked over other...
A womans only value is her attractiveness to men
Dead or Alive Thread: Ultimate
Character’s stats don’t match their appearance
Fixed camera is dead because NPC's literally can't imagine a 3D space in their head
Why was so much content cut from it?
Itt: vidya protags you'd fuck into oblivion
Wish modern shooters would let me pointlessly fuck with the environment
Any 'smart people' games that don't make sense the first time you complete one and require multiple youtube explanation...
Ruins your game
Ctrl+f "jill"
ITT: Subtle vidya clothing
Electronic music for cyberpunk 2077
ITT: Hard Games Where "Git Gud" Doesn't Apply
You know you can just play it on PC, right?
This game just arrived at my house. Do I choose Japanese or English for the language...
Katawa shoujo
What´s the point of make a new one after 26 years if they only gonna copypaste the same archaic and rough gameplay of...
Name a game with better writing
Recommend me some obscure PS3 games bros
Say something bad about your favorite game
I grabbed this beast for 12 bucks couple weeks back on a steam sale and been loving it since
Playing xenoblade 1 made me realize what a clusterfuck the UI in xb2 was
What's the Twin Peaks of videogames?
Villain is just a failed MC
Tifa? Aerith? They sound like a pair of whiny, incompetent pussies
What would you like to see in the next Tomb Raider?
Zelda II was a piece of shit and killed a promising series in it's infancy
How's that set up with the gf going anons? You guys are gaming together right? LIke healthy couples do
Why aren't they in smash?
Holy shit, this game is written by Bendis
Why hasn’t Nintendo hired him??? This is just ridiculous at this point
What games let you go to space?
Can anyone recommended a non-retarded kb&m couch setup before I go full ghetto and just get a shelf from Ikea to put on...
I Genuinely Hate Casuals
Is it worthy of being called a "Masterpiece"?
Dev cant make a fucking match 3 game because of
Why aren’t you playing Open Fortress?
So whats the consensus on the sword art online games? better than normal anime games?
Holy shit this game does not fuck around. I'm getting my ass kicked, but damn is it fun
Soooo, what's to play with this console? Plugging in my Wii today for it. Seriously asking because compared to PS2...
Red Alert 3
Scenes in video games that women will never understand
The Monado is a priceless and unbelievably important tool for Colony 9...
"evil" antagonist joins the good guys to cooperate towards a common goal and ends up redeeming himself
Don't mind me, just saving Dark Souls 3 and making it the best game since Demon's Souls
Grand strategy games are always a bunch of deeply nested spreadsheets. If they had a proper visualization...
Project Zomboid
Bad at fighting games good at other genres
Here is your PS5 bro
Crysis Remastered
Worst choice/worst ending in the game
Game Title: An In-Depth Retrospective
MGS goes open world!
Why do people here hate Mordhau so much? It's fun to goof around in
I play a female character because I don't like looking at a mans ass whiling playing the game all day!!
Discuss the Metal Gear games
Game is fan-translated
Any more games like this?
What's the first thing you're going to do when you buy Sea of Thieves on Steam on June 3rd?
This is the PS5
Naw go awae ogh aI will taunt you e second time
This is a JRPG protagonist
Make smug (21) character
How come noone talks about this game?
What will happen once we hit photorealistic graphics and companies cannot market just shinier screenshots anymore to...
Mosaic Thread : Kid Chameleon part II
Are there any games I can play as this character type?
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
Comfy RDR thread
When did Overwatch exactly die? After they added Ana?
Why is this game so overated?
This place needs some memes
There has not been a good star wars game in aeons
Who is your favorite MALE video game character?
Want to play the original Dark Souls on steam with online for the original experience, not the remaster
What are your opinions on him and his goals?
Hey, I asked earlier about character customisation in a hentai game...
Why don't you like your least favorite Souls game?
What characters would look better as a girl?
Do you collect trophies/achievements?
How are you guys not sick of souls-like gameplay yet? You already solved it. Dodge > hit > Dodge > Hit...
They’re adding more
Well Zig Forums, should I jump on it or wait for a better price?
I'm a faun you literal fucking faggot
Anyone here tried Old World? Made by the lead designer of Civ IV
Replaying BG trilogy
This is on sale - is it worth it or wait for a bigger drop in price?
Games of such depth as Nioh (and soulsborne I guess)
Why is she the worst girl?
Tell me your favorite RPGmaker games
Which team are you, Zig Forums?
Visual Novels thread
Everyone who made changes to default femshep ought to be ashamed
Admit it Zig Forums, you are genuinely excited for a new david cage game
Why isn't it fun? I can't put my finger on why
June 4th
What is some unknown game that you really enjoyed?
"lolololol overwatch is dead"
Is there even a more kino e-sport moment?
Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop
Imagine being PlatinumGames
It's past 4 in the morning. What video games did you play today
One step closer bros
Monster Hunter
Huntan gaems
Out of their last 6 games, 5 were masterpieces. It's time to admit you were wrong
Let's see those CASTs
Can the immersive sim genre be saved?
How do you feel about Jack Frost?
What was the last game that give you this feeling, Zig Forums?
ITT: Post an image, get a game recommendation
What's the appeal of Midna?
Fuck sex
Is this game any good?
Post your desktop and the last game you played
Hello Zig Forums I am the boss with the giant disembodied hands. I will attempt to punch you, swat you...
Holy shit Based! Matt from Oneyplays is helping tear down this country!
Hi there, my dear fellows. I'm present here because I would like to share with you this piece of comic I like...
"Japanese games just suck."
Has anyone played this? I don't see much about it on here
What are some of the best fan games right now?
What controller do you use for PC gaming? Do you switch for different games...
Metal Gear Solid V: Zig Forums Edition
I don't understand why this series is still alive. It's been rehashing the same shit since at least tekken 5...
Accidentally send friend erp reply while playing game
How do we improve the city-building genre?
Sonic is considered a better franchise than Final Fantasy now
BG3's latest teaser
In the development of Diablo IV...
This game is unironically better than anything rockstar has ever put out
Does this describe you Zig Forums?
Is borderlands 3 the best shooter rpg ever created?
JRPGs are the greatest video game genre
Steam inevitably folds
How did you come up with your username user?
Serious question
Do you support your local game store? Do any even exist in 2020? Mine turned into a Little Caesars
This is America
Am I fucked?
There isn't a single character from vidya that's had a harder life than pic related
Games that were close to being good
Is this a joke? What stops them from having smash there when even shit like SF5 with worse netcode can be there?
I respect the idea of DRM-free but has anyone actually bought a game off GOG?
Darkest Dungeon Butcher Circus
Do y'all have friends?
Oh Zig Forums...You're pathetic
Great tropes in vidya
Would it be kino?
When you finish a really good game
This is a witch
Cagekino is coming to Steam, baby!
Hates blood weapons
What does Zig Forums use to play fightan gaims?
When will videogames finally grow up and add realistic demale armor options?
No, this was peak boomer
I've been meaning to get around to this game for a while but I'm shit at stealth games...
>Western female character design
Recommend some good PSX games
Neet and depressed bros what do we do
The last good Smash game
End of credits
Cyberpunk my ass
It's not even that bad. Why does it get so much hate?
This plague - the rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it
What went wrong?
It’s been 13 years, WHO THE FUCK WAS HE?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine