It's actually amazing at how quickly this game died. Did Smash 4 last longer?

It's actually amazing at how quickly this game died. Did Smash 4 last longer?

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People quickly learned that just because you have a great roster doesn’t mean your game is fun
#Meleeorbust, baby

Nobody cares about smash anymore, user. Just let it go. Seriously, there are better games

There really aren't though. Video games are just kinda dead.

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yeah. right up to bayo v bayo at evo. better tech, better fundamentals, higher skill ceiling, more patches, less excuses, less gimmicks, less handholding, less Iframes grounding moves and superarmor, less camping, i could go on forever.

smash ultimate is a hand holding game for children, which is what nintendo is trying to do, they dont want it competative because it drives off profits from the little children who play the game which is sad, because its a fighting game.

truth. mindustry is the only game i can play anymore without getting frustrated at the monetization attempts purposefully holding my enjoyment back.

I still play it but I hate what is has become
Every new fighter starting from the Smash4 DLCs feels busted as fuck and out of place
For example it looks ridiculous fighting as Kirby against ugly ass joker or bioneta

lol I sold that shit after playing for like 20 hours

ultimate has such a low skill ceiling that everyone is good, because noone can be better than good. the game makes it so anyone can be good through abuse of toxic gimmicks with one dimensional characters. the character design is pathetic its all soulless as fuck.

if you unironically think smash is the pinnacle of video games, you're so far gone nobody can help you

No I'm not saying that. I'm just saying video games in general kinda suck.


That would unironically be way better than what we got.

anyone notice how busted the up special moves are on alot of the cast? its like nintendo knew the community uses up b out of shield and said "oh up b needs to be easier to use for all the nubes". look at DKs grounded up b for instance: super armor, multihitter, catches landings and ledge getups and rolls, goes across half the stage, and kills. alot of other up specials are like that too.

Define "died"

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Then why do you play them?

yes, it's a nintendo fighter not an anime fighter get weeb and coomer shit out

As in nobody plays it anymore


That sounds false then

I mean, I don't really anymore.

ITT: seething shitters mad that they are bad at the game most likely a heavy tards main

covid is half of the reason the game is dead
social distancing means players either have to endure the second worst online mode in any switch game ever or just stop playing because there's nothing fun to do outside of that if you don't have anyone with you locally, and very obviously many chose the latter option
not to mention the game got removed from evo

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he probably lays old games that were actually good.

How did you know

Then why are you on this board, user?

Do you also like stale bread and vanilla ice cream

have sex

DK's grounded Up B is also extremely punishable by anyone with a brain. Some other Up Bs are kind of really good though.

Imagine crying about DK up B. lmao this nigger have to be 2k gsp max kek

no its not its like a tiny percrnt of why the game is dead, the game is dead because its horrible and holds hands with nubs and skilled players dont want to do that. rivals of aether is coming to switch and p+ is available, alot of the non entertainer players are just going to better brawler games. nintendo lost the trust and the best title in the style.

Why waste time with sweaty smelly body thrusting when I can be playing Melee

its not punishable when you dont main a character that has a move that can easily be used to break through super armor faggot, go play more joker or banjo or some gay shit you fucking nub cause you aint good with anyone else i already know. move priority is jank matchup to matchup.

The same reason everyone else is, retard. I like shtiposting and having conversations. I can promise you that nobody here actually likes or gives a fuck about video games.

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I don't want to acknowledge that the game sucks so I'm blaming covid. Stop shaming me

>its not punishable when you dont main a character that has a move that can easily be used to break through super armor faggot
user, if you see it coming then you shield it then shove your fist or sword up his ass after his long ass recovery.

This. Nobody wants to play the game because locals are shut down and nobody wants to put up with Ultimate's godawful netcode. It's the same reason why Skullgirls suddenly blew up again after 4 years: the netcode in that game is fantastic and everyone going online-only because of COVID gives GGPO the chance it needs to show how much better it is than every other fighting games' netcode.

Just wait for his move to finish before trying to punish him you fucking retard brainlet he got like 5 years of endlag.

Unironically the best smash game in terms of content and gameplay. Pm doesnt count and melee is busted as fuck accept it

This. Fuck videogames and fuck trump

you fucking niggers i play doubles only nowadays and thats the only move i am moderately bothered by using anymore, because i use it all the time to win my matches. ive given up on every other part of this game and only play doubles because my little sister wants to play. you want better examples? joker priority, banjo iframes, wolf lasers, theres tons of literal retard level shit in this game and i can tell yall are the retarda that dont know why its retarded because its designed for you retards.


i literally acknowledged the game sucks and there's nothing to do, what the fuck are you on about and why are you falseflagging as me

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Nope. The game is a mess.

Smash 4 was unironically, actually, but literally more fun than ultimate. More speed might have come with ultimate but so did more cheese. I don't know what the fuck they did but shield dropping through platforms in particular is a serious pain in the ass and that combined with the increased buffer and seemingly increased shield stun makes getting caught on a platform in shield by almost anyone's utilt straight up infuriating. I can't believe I played sm4sh for it's whole lifetime and then some but almost immediately got sick of ultimate. Crazy shit man. Keep in mind though, sm4sh being more fun than ultimate still doesn't make it a good game.

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it has alot of wndlag but not that much dont kid yourself nothing in ultimate has enough endlag, its all too forgiving.


Holy shit this seething nigger is bad lmao!!!