It is time to show your piloting skills user
Land the dragon or get rekt in the vacuum.
use a stopwach to show how fast you can do it.
It is time to show your piloting skills user
Land the dragon or get rekt in the vacuum.
use a stopwach to show how fast you can do it.
>no version where the station spins like interstellar
how the fuck did you do that
Fun, I'll go play it right now.
Just set pitch, yaw, and roll to 0. Then, set Y an Z to zero. After that, you approach the station quickly, start going more slowly the closer you are, adjust for y and z as you go.
Now in english
why does this look like CGI?
Initiating spin!
Good eye user, you should never trust those NASA glow nigs
first you use the controls on the right side of the screen to set the top, right, and bottom numbers (Roll, pitch, and yaw) to 0.
Why cant this piece of shit go straight? I set a straight route to the goal and it started to float away
Then you use the arrows on the left side to make y and z zero.
It's space bro
Arent things working in space like you start to go somewhere and you will go on that route forever?
Then just get closer with +, then slow down once you're at the x=100 mark or so. Then just adjust y and z accordingly while you're moving forward, make sure you're below .200 rate when x hits 0.
nice I did it
just went straight up to it and kept flipping buttons until all my readings were at 0 and I could just use WASD to manoeuvre directly infront of it and then creep forward
I should join nasa or something
Yeah but isn't the space station supposed to be moving in orbit around the earth as well? You are still in under Earth's gravity, its not in outer space.
Based gamers doing stuff in minutes NASA scientists have to study years to do, we really are the most powerful race.
oh god mayday mayday
I'm not at home, but how hard can you fail on purpose and how much does it show space vacum fucking you up?
W, A, S, D: Translate Up, Translate Left, Translate Right, Translate Down
Q, E: Translate Backward, Translate Forward
8, 4, 5, 6: Pitch up, Yaw Left, Yaw Right, Pitch down
7, 9: Roll Left, Roll Right
Do you think that we will see more private space companies after this?
Yeah. Thing is, at least in this sim, is that there's no "zero position" for relative movement. If you're going a tiny bit too far to the right and you adjust the tiniest bit to the left, you overshoot zero and end up going left instead. So once you're near the target values you get to keep hitting the buttons back and forth all the damn time.
If you bonk the station you literally just bounce back like a rubber ball to your starting position.
All it takes is for space x to outsource it's stuff right?
Boeing was the other company approved under the Obama administration. They're still supposed to make their flight next year.
Trump hasn't approved any other companies to expand on the Commercial Crew Program.
So much easier than messing around with the mouse. Thanks.
>space station
>not in outer space
It really needs a 'fine' control added in. The controls are way too touchy, especially when you get in close.
It's putter space, sorry, I meant away from Earth's orbit but.
Damn I wanted to see the succ
Blue Origin lol