>complain about the death of AA games and the decline of AAA games >get told to check out indie games and not play AAA trash >indie games are literally gimmicks, mental illnesses, and politics literally every single time without exception
What the fuck went wrong? Why can't indie devs just make good games with no bullshit
i played legend of grimrock 1 and 2 for whole nights at a time i wonder when 3 is coming out
Kayden James
Looks like shit. Thanks for proving my point. No soul at all.
Levi Green
>gimmicks So what? You want every game to be exactly the same?
Jose Jackson
Every game has a "gimmick" you dumb fucking cunt.
Gabriel Morales
99,9% of indie games suck. at least aaa games are constantly good
Evan Barnes
just play old games you missed out on AAA games are the same shit indie games are the same pixel shit
Eli Ward
Hollow Knight
Jack Peterson
Basing your entire game around a gimmick and nothing else is fucking shit tier game design.
Robert Ward
Grayson Clark
Mario is shit because it's based around jumping, got it, cool.
Luis Bennett
>I want every game to be COD with no innovation! Fuck off retard, people like you are cancer.
Camden Gutierrez
Is a story book with meh gameplay at best.
Luis Young
Exactly, Nintendo games are fucking shit overall. Nostalgia and historic significance don't make for good games, I won't lie and say Ford makes good cars just because they helped bring about the car industry, you don't get to rest on your laurels if every other competitor is blowing you the fuck out on every front.
Just leave, you don't care about the state of the industry and you don't belong here. I fucking hate you people.
Wyatt Walker
yes, go play it
Mason Russell
And that's why every game is a soulless Sandbox where you kill a few things and go to point A to point B with zero interaction. Fuck off you pessimistic sun-ripened shit.
Nathaniel Cook
Not a single game in that entire image is worth the effort of booting it up.
Jackson Roberts
You want every game to be samey trash. You are the cancer. Go play COD like the baby you are.
Jason Harris
I play mostly older games now. There are enough great 4th/5th/6th gen games to last many years. I do play some new games too when something worthwhile comes out, but I completely dropped out of the cycle of keeping up with every "hot" new release because most of them are garbage now, especially """AAA""" games.
Austin Gomez
>Basing your entire game around a gimmick and nothing else is fucking shit tier game design ok
Yes they are fucking lmao, what makes one Mario game different from the other
Jason Young
Not anytime soon. They said they basically had no ideas left after 2 This is legit a crap list. It's OKAY just be aware that it gets kinda samey though.
Leo Price
>indie games are literally gimmicks, mental illnesses, and politics literally every single time without exception You only see what you want to see, you delusional idiot
Eli Sullivan
>Not a single game in that entire image is worth the effort of booting it up. Explain
Jayden Anderson
>using dumb Zig Forumslack arguments At least use some quasi-legitimate arguments about indies: >lazy faux-retro >copy/paste platformers >overpriced demos >stolen or stock assets >low-effort/no-effort shovelware The last one is especially true for all the RPG Maker stuff that gets shit out directly on to steam
And that's why every Nintendo and indie game is just an empty soulless gimmick demo husk of a game with no substance beyond that
Owen Jones
The gameplay is too simplistic and the routes end abruptly and with no real flow imo. Worth a play but more of a "play it because it's weird" than anything
Logan Edwards
Most indie suck because there are so damn many, just try to look and you'll find good shit. Also most indie games aren't political, most are about as neutral as tetris but that doesn't mean there aren't political games which you should just not buy
Nicholas Reyes
>Why isn't everything created JUST for me? Why do I have to bother trying new stuff? UGH GAMING IS DEAD Zig Forums fucking sucks so hard, lmao
Luis Johnson
It is
Gavin Gonzalez
Do you know what a gimmick is you brainlet? Its supposed to be a novel / new idea or trick used to attract attention. Mario is not gimmicky, its a basic bitch platformer. Mario being boring to you proves that gimmicks are good.
Chase Martinez
But up until ~2005 it felt like everything was created for me. Then everything started getting worse.
Brandon Turner
Because you grew up.
Ian Nguyen
>Won't hear any opinion but his own and refuses any game that isn't special snowflake enough for him >"I actually care about the industry"
>This is legit a crap list. You have not played a single game on that list.
Elijah Mitchell
Can someone please explain the cultural transition of this board from a bunch of people who play videogames and rage hard at casuals to a bunch of depressed people whining about how they can't muster the energy to play videogames and how much they hate themselves?
Nicholas Brooks
I've played a few and it's a crap list for the most part. I'm sorry you have bad taste
Mason Hernandez
I was talking about Nintendo games in my post, you retard. When you bitch about shit like "Muh Zelda Cycle" and they just give up on the series and make it a sandbox that is what I'm talking about.
Liam Jackson
Just stop consuming amerilard media.
Jeremiah Howard
Orange man bad
Anthony Hughes
Come on OP, tell us what some good games are. I want to hear your impeccable taste.
Using Zig Forums as a surrogate for your daily intake of socialization tends to backfire
>I've played a few and it's a crap list for the most part. I'm sorry you have bad taste If you're really not shitposting, list a few of those games, explain how they play, and where they fail
Andrew Bailey
Zig Forums invaded / the group that was primarily age 14-23 grew up and things aren't as fun now. Mostly the latter but the former has a real tendency to bring the general mood of the entire board down with outrage posting. People that hate Nintendo hate fun games
Isaac Jones
>I've played a few So you have only played a "few" Thanks for proving my point. You are the one who has shit taste.
Henry Wood
the celeb nude bullshit and electionfags fucked everything up, basically
Jackson Rivera
I grew up and things are still really fun. I don't understand why it seems like everyone develops mental/personality issues once they hit their mid 20's.
Julian Morgan
False. Even today when I go back and play 90s classics that I've never played before, they're usually great. And I'm pushing 30. So it's not (entirely) me that's changed, it's the games. Chrono Trigger grabbed me in a way that Witcher 3 didn't, even though I played both of them around the same time.
James Gutierrez
AA games still exist and not all indie games are pozzed garbage
that being said there's to much garbage to go through
Thomas Ross
touhou games are all shit and only worth if its a porn touhou game
Blake Watson
>Retarded Opinion >Anime face
Must be a day ending in y!
Connor Price
Freedom Planet and A Hat in Time are indie games that just focus on being fun games without focusing on politics.
I guess AHiT has a small reference to politics, but it's not a theme of the game or anything like that.
Benjamin Cruz
Oh shut the fuck up. Having 20 different features where none of them are well thought out is fucking cancer. "Go kill generic fort 200" is not exciting.
Andrew Rivera
I played Witcher 3 for the first time two months back and I have no idea why it's regarded as an instant classic. The combat is absurdly simple to the point of being more tedious than fun and every single quest consists of going to a place marked on your map and activating toucan sam vision.
Leo Garcia
tortanic ruined this board. now it's all about calling every game shit and then whining that you can't find any games to play:
Colton Lopez
Christ on a cross
Jaxon Butler
Because people made being a gamer too big of a part of their life / personality and as they grew older games became less important as more real life stuff filled in the gap. Rather they actively realize it or not they know deep down that they fucked up and that's where the hollowness comes from. People that didn't do that and instead just regarded gaming as a normal hobby are able to still balance their normal life just fine and thus don't feel that way.
That's my theory at least. I think it makes sense.
Jaxson Long
I've seen this same post for over five years, I really doubt you "just played it" or just picked it up.
Cooper Jackson
>gimmickfags immediately invent a strawman to attack because deep down they're know they're wrong and have no rational argument to defend their shit taste in terrible game design The absolute state.
Jeremiah Price
>WHY IS EVERY GAME POLITICS NOWADAYS!!!!! >Oh, what are some games you like without politics? >Games like metal gear solid!