Is Japan saving vidya?

>Atelier Ryza
>Nioh 2
>Persona 5 Royal
>Animal Crossing New Horizons
>Mega Man Z/ZX Legacy Collection
>Resident Evil 3 Remake
>Sakura Taisen
>Final Fantasy VII REMAKE
>Wonderful 101 Remastered
>Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition
>Fairy Tail
>Moero Crystal H
>Bayonetta 3
>Elden Ring
>Yakuza 7 Like a Dragon
>Scarlet Nexus
>Babylon's Fall
>Project GG
>King of Fighters XV
>Paper Mario The Origami King

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Just look at that fucking gut


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all shit

I love HeyShika and want to pump her full of children as much as any straight man should, but I thought these threads baited with pictures of May Sakaali

oh I didn't see elden ring in there, that will probably be good

Japan always is saving vidya from western shit.

>mfw literally never played a single game from this list

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>not a weeb
>on Zig Forums
for what reason?

You mean the game that won’t come out?

>Mfw played everygame on that list or waiting for it

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>Persona 5 Royal
>a full price cashgrab rerelease on the same fucking system
>saving vidya
It was one thing when it was basically an enhanced handheld port getting ported back, at least you could somewhat justify it then since it was just letting consolefags get the handheld version, but this is shameless.

why include any of these, they're shit rehashes of otherwise decent series


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Eighth post best post


Her torso is grotesquely long


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I like coffee

It is a man.

Cute Mexican

that would explain it

You're lying...

Onlyfans was a mistake.

Patrician taste

the entire world is fucking videogames
we should program and make our own videogames

When asked directly about it he wrote a book about the subject without answering if he was a boy or a girl.
Its a boy.

who this



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>So, I want to talk about one very relevant topic for me. Sometimes... No, often. Yes, that's the right word. I often see some strange and very funny comments on my Instagram page and messages in my direct. People ask me: "Hi, I'm confused, but you are a guy?" or "I KNOW, you're a guy/you're a trap" and send the link of my second instagram page @shirogane_sama_too Those people are very lucky cause I don't speak English as well as Russian and can't answer them all I think about this. My native language can be very rude. )
>Very interesting fact: when I made more male cosplay, people write "OMG EVERYONE CAN SEE THAT COSPLAYER JUST A GIRL". And when I started to make more female cosplays... You know what happened :D Well, now I would like to tell you more about me and my cosplay creativity. I think, you call me Shirogane or Shiro... Or maybe Sasha - these names is my nicknames, yes. I'm 21. I have been making my cosplay since 2012 (when I was 15) and you can see my veeeery old photos on my Instagram page. I make cosplay and crossplay to. You can see my crossplay works on this page: @shirogane_sama_too . Yes, crossplay is very big part of my cosplay. More of my victories on cosplay events were when I performed in my male characters (Todoroki, Kaminari, Prompto, Arthur ect.) I'm a makeup artist so I can look like a boy when I cosplay boys. And, by the way, my favorite cosplay character is my best bnha boy - Todoroki Shoto. Cosplay allows me to be different, allows to try something new every day. Cosplay is my hobby, my job, my life. I met a lot of talented people because of started to make cosplay. Hope you understand what I want to say. c:
Your Shiro.

All of that shit to just not answer either way. Only a man in drag would do this.

What's this then?

best game

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What's it called?

wat appen to her nippies

Stunning game!

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Where's the bulge?

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women have longer torsos and shorter legs compared to men, retards, they have more organs in their torsos compared to men because their reproductive system isn’t hanging outside their bodies
the entire reason men were considered the more esthetic gender in classical times is because they have longer limbs
you fell for the fashion model meme, women are dumpy as fuck

its just censoring so i can post this picture on this site
its not porn because you cant see nipples

based and redpilled


Edited out

Who wrote this post, an ancient Greek?

Japan always makes better games (ignoring coomer bait)

Every year Japan is saving Vidya.

hello? based department?

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