Is it as good as everyone says?

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No. It's mediocre at best.

I really liked it back in the day. One thing I remember everyone bitching about was how the characters weren't developed, I never understood where this came from.

Penelo's butt!

Attached: penelo (3).jpg (1024x1449, 146.94K)

You either love it or hate it
AND I FUCKING HATE IT, by far the worst FF game

Honestly? Probably the best the series has to offer at an objective level. TZA changed my mind on this game big time

Ah yes, the incredibly important FFXII character Penelo, her description is "Vaan's friend."

She is less annoying than him.

It's even better. Fuck the haters.

Attached: basado.png (558x601, 319.49K)

Asshe > Penelo. Furfags need not apply.

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It would be if they removed Vaan & Panelo

>awesome OST
>best NPCs in the series (Eng translation), tons of personality and different cultures
>probably the most content in a single player FF
>zodiac has 4x fast forward to speed up any and all tedium
>fully programmable allies so they're not stuck doing dumb shit you didn't ask for

I played the vanilla PS2 version and thought it was grindy and boring as fuck.

First half was good. After the novelty weared out, the second half is really tedious. It's one the games I wanna replay least.

I still remember spending 240 hour on this game because I wanted to 100% it and unlock all the sprites on the Sky Pirate's Den. To this day, it is the only game I 100%ed and had fun with it.
Now you only get generic, soulless achievements

Attached: Sky Pirates.gif (818x716, 1.33M)

They fixed that in ZA. The judge bosses are no longer retarded walls.

In 30 years it will be regarded as the best game of the 2000's

it's pretty good, the mid section of the game is a slog however

Vaan is still a massively better character than Tidus tho

One of the better ones.

reminder that Vayne could've fucked ALL the girls in this game and simply chose not to

Play it yourself you drone

Do NOT get memed into buying this shit, even on sale.

t.got memed into buying it on sale

Pretty sure the den is in the PC version of Zodiac Age buried in a menu...

They patched this back in

Finished this game yesterday. Decent but a noticeable step down from 10. Story begins to lose steam after the Stilshrine and I mostly lost interest by the time it finished. Vaan, Panelo, and Fran are worthless characters, and Basch is increasingly useless as the story drags on. Vayne doesn't have enough screen time for a main villain, and the Rozarrian empire is a massively underdeveloped story line. Gambit setups are not very important outside of your white and black mages, making battles a slog over time as characters just hack whatever's in front of them. Music is okay but unmemorable.

6.5/10 game. I won't be replaying and am kind of relieved it's over.

That's cool, might feel like replaying it again

>same decade as Deus Ex

It's really good but the story loses steam halfway through.

No. God no.
All the re-releases and remasters in the world can't fix the shit pacing filled with 90% macguffin-chasing filler and repetitive samey environments.
The only faggots who like it are the zoomer babbies who were like 10 when it came out so it was literally their first game mommy would buy for them.

I was 25 when it came out and it's still among my favorite. And the game has more environmental variety than 99% of the series.
You haven't played the game.

no, its fucking trash