What games does Zig Forums speedrun?

What games does Zig Forums speedrun?

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Sorry user, my penis is still attached and I don't crossdress, so no speedrunning for me.

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I only speedrun porn games

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Donkey Kong 64

Where are you allowed to post porn speedruns?

we need a "coom games done quick"

I dunno I haven't tried uploading my runs yet, I was planning on posting them to pornhub

I did Dragon's Dogma once for the rewards since it specifically has a speedrun mode.

Otherwise I don't.


Super Metroid Link to the Past Randomizer

how do speed runners do a split while playing the game?

i did binding of isaac speedruns for like a day
it's bound to a key they press

wouldn't it be possible to split at the wrong time?

Why don't speedrunners use their autism in a game that actually rewards it? Instead of spending thousands of hours in shovelware spongebob shit you could've put it into Battle Garegga or something

technically yes but not only are most splits done during loading screens/cutscenes or other slower moments, the actual timings of your splits don't matter except for comparing timings with yourself unless you're really fucking good and other people compare their splits with yours, and if you're that good you probably don't fuck up splits often

>noooooooooooo i'm not a quick shooter i just like speedrunning porn games

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>no one will discuss my topic
>bet put in a lewd anime image!

what about when playing with an emulator? how do two windows get input from the same controller?

Are you legitimately retarded?

honestly i don't fuckin know the specifics but i'm sure it isn't that difficult if its something everyone does

The artstyle is drawn like an anime, he could've used a non coomer bait official art of Samus instead.

>game rewards you for speed running

Attached: walking1.webm (258x350, 1.88M)

Never thought about it before... You gave me a great idea, thanks user

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>all anime has the same style
Oh you're retarded

Using livesplit, you set it up so it accepts your inputs even though you're tabbed into another window. So you just bind the 'go to next split' button to something you won't use- I use F1.
People do speedrun bullet hells and the like.

Not competitively or anything but sometimes I'll do a quick run through of srb2

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what setting allows it to get input in the background?

It’s not very impressive by “speedrun” standards but I can beat the first Kingdom Hearts in about 5 hours

right click -> settings -> tick 'Global Hotkeys'

I speedrun life.
I already graduated college at age 19 and now I'm working on getting through the liver failure level.

>he's not using the hrt strat
liver failure's been a dead strat for decades, i'd understand if you were new but it looks like you've already got a handle on the run


Marry me, SAMUS!!!

What can I say, I'm a traditionalist.
No tool assisted speedruns for me, gotta do it the old fahsioned way if you want to really get it done right.

I've got a 0:54 in Metroid Fusion Any%, that's about it