It's time to play some god damn WORMS, bitch
get the fuck in here right the fuck now I fucking swear, FUCK
room: Zig Forums
pass: vidya
It's time to play some god damn WORMS, bitch
get the fuck in here right the fuck now I fucking swear, FUCK
room: Zig Forums
pass: vidya
Other urls found in this thread:
downloading wait a second
I'll wait forever for u bb
Fucking hell, guys.
I'll play if someone else joins
We've got two people so far
>some goddamn worms
>OP doesn't post which one
The one people actually fucking play, retard
Joining in, also posting guide.
Here's your cue brother.
Where's the room
Buy for me pleae.
Open wide poorfag
Currently in game.
current room full?
How long until we can join?
1v1 ending soon
Game's back open boys
room is open again
Lobby open.
channel: #anythinggoes
room: Zig Forums
pass: vidya
I'm getting connection failed
>constant connection failed when trying to join
Was playing with your fucks last night.
Based user making another thread
this is collage of multiple pics, whos the artist?
that blue-hair girl is probably by cutesexyrobutts
the rest idk
The host is not me right now, anyone else having problems connecting? I could make a separate lobby if there is enough people for 2 rooms.
It's worms armageddon. It's always armageddon.
you're a real wiz with the magic wand tool, user.
off to a great start
I'll join if you put a room up.
I like how the FUUUU is backwards. Nice touch. HAHAHAHAHA Get it?
k after I get killed I'll set up a new one.