

Attached: never gonna make it.png (225x225, 198.41K)

>getting shipped to Japan
>HAVE to learn japanese now

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I'm a dumbfuck that have stopped learning shit for about 3 months. What's the best way to re-review materials I've learned before?

it's over
there are no breaks on the jap train, only derailment
your train derailed and got wrecked

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More like nip
Forgotten grammar rules are kinda hindering my abilities to read babby-tier stuff again. I guess I should just look it up every time I'm stuck?


>tfw forgot to study hiragana again
God fucking damn it. I'm never gonna make it.

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how can you get stuck at hiragana

I am pretty sure that means ni-hong

You forgot grammar? Seriously? Japanese grammar is some of the easiest shit I've learned when it comes to languages, especially the beginner stuff.

What did you forget? Sentence order? particles? the language reads itself for the most part.

dekinai bro just give up

Particles and conjugations got me pretty hard
>dekinai bro just give up
Thanks bro

I don't have motivation. A couple signs a day is as much as I can manage.

The vast majority of problems people who have studied for a good amount of time have is with grammar though, individual parts may be easy but it can be pretty rough to understand how everything connects when there are several different things in play at the same time.

It is the hardest part of the language in the long-term, even past the point where kanji are not an issue you will find yourself stumbling on figuring out the grammar in complex sentences.

After like a year of daily learning I don't even worry anymore. It's obvious now that languages are a brainlet skill that just takes a lot of time to learn due to the sheer amount of vocab you need. I get much better at reading periodically without even any real effort.

Sorry I don't speak subhuman languages. Could you try saying that in English or Greek?

How do I live in Japan forever away from cuck whites and violent blacks without actually having to work in Japan?

Particles can be inferred in 90% of cases. And even then if your not sure on a noun or verb, just use ga, it's extremely universal and most native speakers will ignore it. It's kind of the "cop-out" particle.
If you don't remember the rest and what they're for. Yikes dude theres like 5 in common speech thats not hard.

Conjugations can be a bitch but thats just how verbs are. Nothing wrong with vaguely mashing verbs into whatever you need to end the sentence. If the rest of it is correct nips will understand what your trying to say.
in text its a little trickier, but hey, thats life.

A trick I picked up while visiting nippon was to just end my sentence with a vague "ne" and nod my head slightly, if people dont understand they'll ask you to clarify 100% of the time its OP man


>away from cuck whites
Can't run from yourself.


I'm white skinned but I'm not white sweety

>learnt hiragana, katakana
>hey, this pretty fun
>was learning for like 2 months every day and then stopped for no reason
I still remember some basic kanji and grammar. I wasn't feeling frustrated or anything. I just dropped it I don't even know why.

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Clearly you never had the resolve in the first place. And now, you NEVER will.


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Thanks user. Getting wrong answers in practice books pretty much killed all the good feeling I get from trying to decipher grammar rules, but I'll try harder to understand them better.

Shut the fuck up, retard. Don't make learning japanese sound like something actually difficult.

I stopped learning like 3 times till I finally went into an unbreakable run.


first time i tried i got stuck at hiragana too and dropped

studying them in isolation didn't work for me
opening up a manga and writing the hiragana in google translate trying to understand the words made me learn them in 2 days

Do you have a teacher? Mine was a sweet old italian lady who spoke 4 languages fluently, man she was good.

The difference between dekinai and moudekimasu! is a good teacher IMO, they have wisdom that will open your eyes in ways print never will.

how does the learning process work? is the correct order:

>learn to read it
>learn to hear it
>lean to speak it

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